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New Member
Dec 29, 2012
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Hello all readers, I found this site a while ago and have not been following until now, because I was prompted by an e-mail. So here is my first post and we see where it goes based on time commitment to follow this site.

I am a seasoned grower from No. California, Humboldt Co. is where I got my degree from the state university. I now live in Belize and am interested in the propagation of med. marijuana on a global scale to reduce the killings due to drug trafficking and the destruction of the environment. This is a huge problem based around a plant that has much more benefits than legal alcohol. I am not sure what I can do as an individual to help speed up the process to legalize Hemp/herb/marijuana around. I personally use it for pain relief and mental stress on occasions. I really enjoy growing all kinds of plants. Orchids, coco nut trees, bamboo, and much more. Organic farming is best in my opinion. At the moment I am not gardening. at all, but I want to get back into the herb industry legally. I enjoy plants and want to help reduce the senseless killings involved around a medicinal plant. Crying shame..............Greed, power trips, and ego..............F'ed up for sure. I understand that this takes time and my time commitment is not full steam ahead, but I am interested in investing in this wonderful plant ,but I do not want to go jail over the ganja....Any feed back i receive with open arms and I will respond in time. my e-mail address is [email protected] I take all response to heart.........Heal the world one individual at a time. Train wreck, OG,sens i, indca,afghan, and so much more............Seed stock....Keep the girls happy!!!!!!!!!God Bless. Think I might go find some ****** weed here in Belize. Grade c- and relax my back while looking at the reef.
:welcome: to Marijuana Passion, hurricane. :ciao:

Thank you for sharing and feel free to post away any ?'s you have regarding all things mj cultivation.

Peace brother, and enjoy a j of Belizean mids for me. :)
I came back today after an email as well.
Hi you doing hurricane my name is J. im a first time grower and Im growing sour diesel and it seems like my plant is trying to die, it doesn't look to good, I thought I was doing the right things, watering it, feeding it, keeping the light on it, oh yeah I'm growing indoors, im not sure what to do.
@ walik27 post a thread/question and someone will definately chime in to help.

Pics will also help us too...
Im new to this so I dont know exactly what you mean when you say start a thread and how do you post pics
Hi you doing hurricane my name is J. im a first time grower and Im growing sour diesel and it seems like my plant is trying to die, it doesn't look to good, I thought I was doing the right things, watering it, feeding it, keeping the light on it, oh yeah I'm growing indoors, im not sure what to do.

Hi J. Here at MP we are all about helping peeps. To do that we need certain information and pics always help.

You say you are watering it so I will assume you are growing in soil. What kind? How far along in your grow are you? What are you feeding it? What is your lighting like? Are you checking the ph of your water and feed? Most new growers don't understand the value of keeping a proper ph and how to make sure you are at that proper range. Unless you are growing totally Organic, PH is the key to everything.
You sure are right about not understand fully cause I dont even know what ph mean and i got the soil from shoprite its the merical grow potting mix and the food merical grow also
ph = potential hydrogen.

from: hMPp://www.theweedblog.com/what-is-the-best-ph-level-for-marijuana-plants/

"The logarithmic measure of the acid-alkaline balance in water or soil is called pH. The most acidic solution is pH 1. A level of pH of 7 is neutral and a pH of 14 is the most alkaline solution. For several reasons the pH has a profound effect on the cannabis plants. Various plants live under different pH levels, they have adapted to this. In hydroponic solutions marijuana grows with a low pH of 5.5. Marijuana grows best in water or soil with a pH level between 6.0-6.5 (slightly acidic). Good garden soils consist of this pH level. In this range the plants nutrients are water soluble. This means that the nutrients are available to the marijuana plants. When the pH level is outside of this range, the nutrients become less available because the nutrients won’t dissolve as well.

There is only one accurate way to adjust the pH. This is using pH test papers or a pH meter. When the pH level is outside the range, the nutrients are less available to the marijuana plant. This means that the roots don’t have access to them and now the plant indicates deficiencies, even though the nutrients may be present. If the pH level is outside the proper pH range, marijuana plants have small dark-green leafs and grow very slowly, when growing in water or soil. Check the pH (by using test strips or a pH meter) before you plant them in soil or planting mix."

To check the pH use collected runoff water. If it’s to alkaline, use soil sulfur to adjust the pH. If it’s too acidic, use lime. You can check with an agricultural extension agent familiar with local soils or a knowledgeable local nursery man. Ask them for advice on proportions because the soils have various reactions to adjustments. Soils are mostly not indoor planting media. The media use as main ingredient peat moss, coir or bark. To adjust porosity and water retention, other materials are added. You can consider the mixes pest-free and disease-free.

If you want already pH balanced soils, use commercial potting soils and topsoil. When the plants are in the ground and the pH levels is out of range, you can still adjust the pH level. To raise alkalinity use pH-up. For the increase of acidity use pH-down. Keep checking the pH level in the soil every now and then. That’s the best way to judge if you have to stop these treatments.

The pH levels vary a little bit per strain. The ingredients of soluble fertilizers also affect the water pH. So adjust the pH after you added the soluble fertilizers."

Alot of ppl would say don't use Miracle Grow. I know a few online and personally that use it with success, but I definately wouldn't recommend for a first time grower.

It's usually loaded with time-released fertilizers so you don't need to add anymore nutrients.

Do you know what kind of MG Soil and ferts you picked up?
It says all purpose plant food and says the same thing with soil all purpose. Can you tell me how to send pictures I'm using a galaxy 3
I post from a pc....

someone can help you with uploading pics from a phone.
Growing marijuana is not like a lot of other plants. It has very specific needs and wants. Soils that come with nutrients already in them are not good for small plants and can kill them. You don't want to use all purpose nutrients. Most soils need to have other things added to them to be right for growing marijuana.

You might want to do some reading and studying so that you have an idea of what it takes to grow a plant to maturity. I would suggest starting with things like the type of soil, how much to water, the type of nutrients it needs for different stages of its life, the difference between male plants and female plants, the life cycle of marijuana, temperatures it like, humidity it likes, etc, etc. Also look up any terms you do not understand like pH (which in laymen's terms is the acidity or alkalinity of something on a scale from 1-14), PPMs, N-P-K, etc.

We are not going to be able to tell you in a couple of posts what it takes to grow. Tell us more about what you have going. Are these indoors or outdoors? How old are they? How much have you fed them? And anything else you think is important.

Sorry, I don't know how to upload pics from a phone.
So I am guessing those are clones, right? They look like they have single leaf growth going on. Were they taken from a mother plant in flower?
actually I bought the seeds NYC D and started off with three seeds
Those are from seed? Wow, how old are they? I don't think I have ever seen one leaf growth on a young plant from seed.

First, You need to separate all three of those ladies and put them into their own pots.

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