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to much of anything can be bad for humans , even neem oil


Neem oil has widespread use in Indian subcontinent due to its many bioactive properties. Azadirachtin, an active ingredient, is implicated in causing the effects seen in neem oil poisoning.

Neem oil poisoning is rare in adults. This report highlights the toxicity associated with neem oil poisoning in an elderly male.

The patient presented with vomiting, seizures, metabolic acidosis, and toxic encephalopathy. The patient recovered completely with symptomatic treatment.
if it's fungal, spray with hydrogen peroxide and a bit of soap or use potassium bicarbonate to wash...I still think you're nitrogen/magnesium deficient...
Thank you! Yeah they were over watered. Do you or does anyone else give your outdoor buds a hydrogen peroxide bath right after harvesting?
that almost looks like some chocolate diesel I grew about 13 years ago

it was really dark on the underside too

you said , “ I've tried rubbing my fingers on the spots and it doesn't feel like anything powdery is rubbing off and I don't see anything on my fingers afterwards..”

my conclusion is : the plants look healthy , you can’t rub the discoloration off and have no evidence on your fingers leads me to believe the discoloration is a pigment thing and no worries
I do feel something very very slight. I wouldn't say it's powdery but something else... 🤔 it has only affected 2 plants n they're right next to each other. 2 totally different cultivars, too. So, I am also running another girl from the exact same seed pack as one of the ones that are affected, ran under everything exactly the same down to the T (I ran everything exactly the same for each plant). However, these 2 were the only 2 that were close to each other, yet came down with the same crap. Oh and I totally forgot to mention that the parts affected are CRISPYYYYYYY!!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯 idk how the heck I forgot to mention that part. What a horrible organism...
I thought it was tobacco mosaic rust but no dice

please keep us posted
Will do. It spread very very quickly. Struggled with septoria this year bad, too. All my plants are stripped bare and my yields are suffering big time now. 😣New location. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to see what the area looked like around this time last year. i just saw lush green and super wide open, while surrounded by trees. Nothing was showing any signs of septoria and nothing had any of this nasty rust stuff on anything, anywhere. What a horrible place. When looking for a guerilla spot, you gotta do your scouting the fall prior (or the end of summer), that way you can see what kind of defoliation occurs at the prospected site. Not to mention that you want to see if there's anything being affected by spores or pests. You just won't see any of these things in the beginning of the season...
Will do. It spread very very quickly. Struggled with septoria this year bad, too. All my plants are stripped bare and my yields are suffering big time now. 😣New location. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to see what the area looked like around this time last year. i just saw lush green and super wide open, while surrounded by trees. Nothing was showing any signs of septoria and nothing had any of this nasty rust stuff on anything, anywhere. What a horrible place. When looking for a guerilla spot, you gotta do your scouting the fall prior (or the end of summer), that way you can see what kind of defoliation occurs at the prospected site. Not to mention that you want to see if there's anything being affected by spores or pests. You just won't see any of these things in the beginning of the season...

anyone who grows outdoors faces challenges that indoor growers will never face

all the best and here is to a good harvest

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