Help Please!

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Old Toby

Space CowBoy
Jul 17, 2006
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Hi all, I went to check my babies this morning and found alot of fungus or mould or something all around my plants flowers and its destroying everything, the leaves are going brownish and growing a mouldy fur on them, any help would be great!






Can you tell us about the environment its in? Looks like a greenhouse that has a ton of moisture in it.
Mutt said:
Can you tell us about the environment its in? Looks like a greenhouse that has a ton of moisture in it.
Yeah Mutt its in a greenhouse, i leave it open during the day and on sunny days i put them out. A friend said that it could be a disease on them but i need a few more ideas before i can fix them.
Looks like you might have some bud rot goin on. How humid is it in there. Those plants look really wet. Excess moisture and Weed don't go together really well.
you got mold and fungus happenin friend. go to a good farm and garden store fast and pick up a fumigrator; hand held and or a sulpher evaporator. cut the water supply and dry out the greenhouse then fumigate with a fungicide then run a sulpher evaporator fer an hour. cut all that grey stuff off and out of the bud right quick. you can save it but no more misting
What else can i do after i cut the rotten buds out,is there any kind of spray or whatever to stop it coming back? My girls ares gonna look so ugly now with all these holes cut out from them.
Just so others may be able to know approx next time.... how high of humidity should a person start watching for rot n fungus?
KADE said:
Just so others may be able to know approx next time.... how high of humidity should a person start watching for rot n fungus?
I'm gonna wait to get more info myself but i can tell you that the humidity in my greenhouse has been a constant 18celcius during the day and about 11 or 12celcius at night.
That's way to cold man. It should be minimum 18 degrees or not below 15 for sure at night. During the day it would be best between 25 and 28. That's why your plants form fungus, if you could put them in a warmer place then you could safe them.

You can try using a fan also, but you don't want to temp. below 18 degrees in this stage anyway.
Temperature isn't humidity... i'm wondering the humidity.
the temp you want to hit is 25C constant. the humidity hit 40%, then you may have problems. try to keep it down around 25 - 35% therefore always remember the magic number 25 if yer a canuck like me hehehe

humidity means water content in the air. misting or water spray feeding blows this thru the roof. you have mold spores in the air as well as on the bud, thats why i said get a sulpher evaporator. sulpher or sulfur will smother and kill the spores and mold. you will get a light sulpher taste to yer buds but this way you WILL HAVE BUDS. or a good FUNGACIDE that you can fumigate the room with. or you can chop the infected buds off and pray.

minimum at night is 65F or 19C. get a forced air heater. and use fans.

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