Help plants turning yellow and drying out

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Sir Puffs Alot

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
I have been having this problem now for a while; I have a few plants that are turning yellow on me. Also the tips of the leafs curl upwards and become very crispy (dry), it should also be noted that there are some dry spots on various leafs.

400 HPS , organic fish fertilizer , organic soil and one large fan. I was thinking maby it’s because it’s too cold , could that be a possibility of this symptom ?



when flowering, the leaves will turn yellow alittle because all the energy is going to the buds. you may want to water alittle more and check the heat, but some yellowing is to be expected.
what do the temps get down too? early on when we had that freeze spell come threw Seattle my Temps dropped below 60 degrees and a lot of my Fans went yellow.not sure if thats your case..but something to think about be for you go adding any more Nutes to correct what looks to me like impropper temp cycles..Hope this helps:bolt::bong:
The plants are far worse today then they where 3 days ago, this is why I’m now going to try to add more nitrogen. Anyone has any other idea ?
I have one doing the same thing, I didn't feed it, and it's the ONLY ONE doing it....i did exactly the same thing with every plant. So I flushed it, and flushed it, and flushed it....Then after a while, i fed it with nitrogen, and no more shriveling curling leaves. hope that's the source of your prollem too..check...yer...p...h.... :)
Sir Puffs Alot said:
My PH should be good , all organic and spring water.

What are your temps as your stems look very purple?

It's nitrogen deficiency along with or caused by low temps probably as fish emulsion on its own in flowering is not enough for the plant methinks.

I grow organically but have never used fish emulsion but am pretty sure it doesnt have adequate NPK in it for a flowering plant.

And don't flush its just not needed and you'll just strip remaining nutrients from the compost,flushing is for hydro,not organics and should only be done if using chems in soil and when far too much has been given.
Sir Puffs Alot said:
My PH should be good , all organic and spring water.

Unless you are reading a 6.5 or so off your PH pen saying this, you are making a hasty mistake. Never assume your PH is good, even the PH of bottled distilled water can fluxuate, you always gotta test and be sure of your PH. Knowing your PH is the first step in the proper diagnosis of all plant problems. Even knowing you have a correct PH can help prevent many a misdiagnosis when you plant is having troubles, so it always pays to know your PH.
It will be down to the cold Sir Puffs A Lot.

Stems can go naturally purple and is strain dependent,the indica component is largely responsible for this in hybrids but yours are very dark from what I can make out of the pics.

So again I ask mate what are your temps as once we know that we can get closer to sorting your problem out.

If its too cold the plants metabolism and ability to utilise nutrients is impaired which can cause your problem so we really need to know this,both daytime and night time temps please.
Sir Puffs Alot said:
My stems are purple , is this because of cold or heat ?

Purple stems are strain related, due to cold temps, or a nutrient deficiency (I cannot remember what though).
Very interesting. I've had some of the same problems. Somebody mentioned up top that flushing was not needed. which would mean there is no "salt" buildup in organic gardening. If this is the case then I have misdiagnosed (in retrospect) my problems. so am i right, flushing not needed in organic grow.
No, you can definately make flushing a needed thing in organic grows, salts can build up just the same...
blancolighter said:
No, you can definately make flushing a needed thing in organic grows, salts can build up just the same...

Sure,if you massively over fert but otherwise flushing is detrimental to a proper organic grow as there is no salt build up to speak of.

This is backed up by Oldtimer1,an old boy who I have the very highest respect for who backs up all his statements with knowledge gained through actual experience,he never repeats what others have said if he hasnt checked it out for himself and this guy has studied the cannabis rhizosphere in a very scientific manner.

Cannabis needs nutrients to metabolise existing nutrients,especially with phosphorus so flushing,especially when people give 2 weeks of it before harvest end up with more residual chems in the plant tissues and lower yields as 3-4 days of just water is all you need for your bud to be as clean as it can get.

If you have to flush,don't flush and be done with it but find what you did wrong for you to have to flush in the first place.

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