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Hey everyone!

I have been dry for the last 4 days and have been getting these mild to sever headaches everyday...could this be caused fromt he lack of pot? Similar to caffeine headaches or am I just wierd
I don't think that is causing your headaches but then again i'm not a doctor. :D
The symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include but are not limited to:

physical tension
decreases in appetite and mood
stomach pain
physical tension
increased aggression / anger
strange dreams

Because Marijuana is an illegal substance, many people consider any use of marijuana as substance abuse. However, this is said because substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of repeated substance use created by recurring common adverse consequences (effects and side effects). Not everyone suffers the withdraw symptoms of marijuana, and uses it just to have a good time, or for an recent injury that is causing allot of pain (broken bone,major burn, abrasion,chronic pain). Its good to practice to take a break from marijuana for a month or longer so the withdraw symptoms can be identified by the person themselves and countered with a few remedy's that really work.


I did not write this so please don't bash me with negative comments. This is on the main page of the forum. I agree with most of the withdral symptoms. but Anorexia?????
i use MJ to combat anorexia ....so i guess it works for me Mutt...LOL :D

i have a severe lacking of appetite....and smoke to get the munchies going...but i don't munch...i eat a regular meal

but i don't think stopping pot will cause one to become anorexic :rolleyes: ;) :)

headache....maybe yes...if your a regular daily smoker
If I'm dry for a day I have a bitch of a time getting to sleep. Which only constitutes me using it ;)

That's weird about the headaches, though. Maybe you can just use that as an excuse.
Yeah I picked up a little herb yesterday and now I have no headaches anymore :)

Guess I have to make sure that I dont run out anymore..or load up on some advil ;)
2qwic2c said:
Yeah I picked up a little herb yesterday and now I have no headaches anymore.
I hear you, fast one. Reality sucks. It would be ok except for sucking.

Ha! Man I run around all day being strait and doing database stuff. They make me crazy. By the time I get home, I'm snatching my head around looking like a 666 zombie.

I change into some comfortable clothing, make a nice drink and pack a bowl.

Two sips, two tokes, kick back in my recliner and I'm good again.

Instant fix.

On the headaches, you might be clinching up your shoulders because of stress and that will give you a knocker.

When you've gotta be strait, try to hold yourself in a relaxed position. If you catch yourself tensing up, take the time to loosen up and maybe that will make the headache go away.

Good luck to you man.
I remember getting headaches when i had to quit smoking. they kept up for almost a month before they got better. but ive quit a couple other times and never had the problem with them so who knows. i also couldnt sleep. but i guess i had that before i ever started

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