Head Scratcher...

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Thats the thing with meteors...you never know whats riding in on them. Sounds like something from a sci-fi movie.
Thats crazy really them scientist that take that trip down there really gonna have tthere hands full on this
Man, that's some scary shyte. All Stephen King in Creepshow, man.......
That is a bit scary... I wonder when we'll start hearing about it on the news... I wonder if it's contagious!!

Too many unanswered questions... I'll go do a search!

Space sickness! I'd try some of that if I knew I could get over it. Well, then plus I'd want to spread it around and get everyone sick with me cause i'm just an evil bastard like that...

Has there been any reported deaths yet? Space Flu sounds cool.
The Day of the Triffids springs to mind, field after field after fields of 20 foot tall Mary Janes going for a walk together looking for a convenience store looking for chocolate lmao
Sounds really creepy!!! :eek: I'd like to know more about it...metalchick, let us know if you find out anything else!! :)
I knew id lost my meteor somewhere. Thanks!
Everything I could find was basically the same story. No more details.

Triffids... LOL!

... Or it could be the way life was originally brought to earth. Could this be a new super virus? :confused: :p
I reckon when it crashed it somehow polluted the local water supply. They did say steaming water was seen coming from the crater.

Heavy metal poisoning perhaps ?
They said there was a smell... so I'm guessing some kind of radioactivity or maybe some kind of decay. Rotting anything can ruin a water supply. So can radioactive materials. I have heard that certain radioactive and dangerous materials have smells that are very unique. But, there is no word on WHAT it smells like.

I'll keep watching it though, this kind of wierd stuff is great!

Actually, reading this made me think of something...

What if we're all just some sort of experiment, and now the higher life forms have seen that we're growing too intelligent and that it's time to exterminate us before we learn about them? :eek:

*this can't be true, I just like to make up alot of stuff...*
awesome! i love this kind of stuff.

Of course, i'm intrigued by the simplest of things :doh:
whoawhoa said:
Actually, reading this made me think of something...

What if we're all just some sort of experiment, and now the higher life forms have seen that we're growing too intelligent and that it's time to exterminate us before we learn about them? :eek:

*this can't be true, I just like to make up alot of stuff...*

Ya know, I had this same thought a few years back. It's like, what if we're actually growing in a petrie dish somewhere, or we're all just growing and living on a piece of rotting food under some teenager's bed?

LOL... I think wierd **** when I'm stoned, but I just thought it was funny that someone else thinks the same! LOL!

Well.....many scientist believe the moon was "towed into orbit"

this earth would be inhabitable without it, and wouldn'tcha know Mars just happens to have a similar moon?????

and frozen ice caps at the poles...............Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
LOL.. "towed into orbit"!!! All I can see is little green men with a BIG ship:

*beep beep beep* "No, back it up some more"
*SNAP* "Dude, I told you that rope wasn't a good idea. We were supposed to take this thing to Saturn. Now how're we going to move it?"
"I say we just leave it at Earth and say we delievered it."
"That's a good idea man. Man, I can't wait 'til we make people and give them pot. They're gonna be so much fun to watch!"

LOL... That's too good!


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