growing for dumies

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Well checked tent at 6:45 all was well light out at 7. Checked at 9 gfi tripped everything.. At least was after lights out :holysheep:
well they girls are 3' from soil to tops and growing fast stretching 44" from the floor in a 79" tent should be a good show, lots of fimming and topping was done should get a bunch of colas cant even guess how many between the 5 plants.

biggest issues atm are baby mealy bugs eggs/infestation as well as possible mites not sure about them yet. just treated last feeding with a recommended bug product will see if it gets them off

Today is day 14 of 12/12, I hate watering soooo much after setting up the hydro, lots and lots of wasted time watering as opposed to timers and pumps,,, but if I was not in there watering I probably never would have caught as many of the egg sites and fact their are issues so it's a take the good with the bad..

NEVER PUT PLANTS NEAR AFRICAN VIOLETS:chuck: :hitchair: :hairpull: :angrywife: worst part was they were given to me cause they were dying i wonder why hmmmmmm
Is your tent located outside? Like in a garage or shed type structure?

I was thinking of doing that did those bugs infest your girls?
i was gifted a bunch of dying yard flowers and bulbs and the African Violets (they are thriving now that the bugs left...) were infested apparently the mealy bugs really like those flowers i read, i made a thread on the bug it is gonna be updated as i have more new pics of them and what to look for seeing no one knew what they were. The REAL reason they got them was me, all my fault i panicked in the cabinets over lighting and t/rh and moved them outside and dum de dum back inside and hope to have caught em in time...

thanks for reading and posting :)

ahh i think someone else grows in a shed (woudl be hard some places) and i know others grow in their garages, personally mine are in a basement one point of access.
Yeah it's nice to have auto water. But. It's also nice to not worry no ow there getting water.
My last run I'm tossed hosts in. N they were in promix.
Well no filter on bottoms so shet got into controller bucket. Perlite plugged up floats. I came home 2 times from not being home 3-4 days to controller bucket n pails all full.
So as nice as it can be it can also ruin a crop.
ya that's why i thought out side the norm and tried to avoid those crazy roots and shieett I think we on to a fine method that will grow some big trees for us
Ah, IC.

I grow in the basement as well. We just had a massive downpour of once my rain barrels filled up....I grabbed all of my deer park 5g jugs and managed to fill up 4 of them before the rain stopped.....storing them in my basement capped in nice cool dark area. I love free water :ignore:
ya i rent so its all free but i bougt a ez up tent and you surround it with totes you get more water then u know what to do with my tap is pretty good and free for me so i will run hydro with it and i try to all rain water soil feed plants at least un nute feedings
grr why all my photo uploads failing any one else got this issue today?
so al the sprouts are having reddening stems(they are in cocc/perlite and coco cups probalbly readdy for cal/mag =+?, drooping leaves? will try yo upload pics again today has not been working for me they all fail to upload
here are onnly ones that sis not fail to upload

assume i need to start cal/mag 5ml to gal and keep top feeding them? or put them in a little water res and let them wick up what if any thing they need? they are in rapid rooters dont want to drown them ?



Hey :ciao: N.E.wguy, howzeetgoin?

Not tryin to be a weisenheimer, but whats with all the crap on the surface of the pots?

Just wondering...
they are in coco chunks and perlite mix in their own little coco 3" cups in rapid rooters surrounded by same median

thinking they need cal/mag cause of the coco and more water cause of what they are in
ahh okay... for a sec they looked like cedar bark and I was like woahhh! way too acidic there fer your seedling, NEWGUY.

ty 7g

will get some pics up tonight of the tent flowers popping evey where i counted 60 visual top sites when standing there last night lost count after bong rips
sad little satori and crit cheese auto been under the t5 not looking happy maybe to soon for big t5 4' 2xbulb? moved and watered with cal mag and a little nute. fully rooted out of bottom of 3" coco cups (good 1-2" out bottoms) just heads are not looking great

first pic is of crit cheese auto









some better pics of the ill little ones :( and to my better knowledge there are 5 satori and one exodus fem and the biggest oldest is that auto











tent, all 5 gal pots whole canopy is 3' from dirt even mostly around










Makes me want to dive in and swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck from the old ducktales cartoon lmao!!!


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