Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android

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EllisD said:
I have no idea w t f you're talking about, but I fully agree with you!! lol :D

I love being a noob sometimes! Surprises are great!

the best part is, you will know immediately what i am talking about as soon as it happens. and if you're lucky(in my opinion) at least one of them will foxtail. which will make for amazing pictures.
Just FYI.. I'm doing the happy dance right now :aok:

~Do the happy dance!~
~...The happy dance...~

ShOrTbUs said:
the best part is, you will know immediately what i am talking about as soon as it happens.

Indeed :)

I believe I know what to expect on that one... not sure of the "foxtail" term.. heard it once, and seen that people either love or hate it... I'm clueless really lol.
And a random thought. looks like my Electric bill only went up about $50 extra. Another thing to do the happy dance about. :D
yeah, i was worried at first about my electric bill jumping up significantly. as it turns out a couple 600watt hps bulbs isn't that bad at all. lol, my new pc made my electric go up more then my lights.
lol, no kidding Shortbus? I'd assume the PC was way more energy efficient. :confused2:

Well, nothing awesome to report....besides temps. They are great!

Going to wait another week probably for pics, unless something amazing happens..... oh wait, that reminds me!!! I was inspecting the Blue OG with the loupe last night, and there's random "balls" of this clear/white "goo" or something. Harder goo.. like... sap? They are only on the stems. It's odd, I've never seen them before and they almost look like pearls. I should hook up my super macro lens and try to get a pic! They are not spidermites.. that's for sure.

Any thoughts on that? :confused2:
I LST'd one of my 2 larger clones tonight. It's growing vigorously!! :D
Nice I'd like to see the goo try for a pic
Seems another member started a thread today about the exact same "sap" type of thing I'm seeing. It's perfectly identical to my situation. I have to try to get a pic, if I can find another one that size. I should've taken it when I had the chance!! :(

I'm going to upload a few pics of buds in about 30 minutes, once I finish editing. :D
Pics are up.. zoom in on these (Hold CTRL and use your scroll wheel), they are getting nice! :D

Wish I could afford some new lens'

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (6 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (5 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (4 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (3 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (2 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Long (1 of 7).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Tall (4 of 4).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Tall (3 of 4).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Tall (2 of 4).jpg

FlowerWeekEnd4Tall (1 of 4).jpg
Wow! Looking great bro! Sorry I haven't been by more often just real busy with harvest and upgrades to flower room.
No need to be sorry Mainbud :)

Thanks for checking in, hope you enjoyed some of the bud porn. :D
Looking very nice so far LSD, If you have 4 more weeks those are going to be outstanding when done.
Glad to see your invesment is going to pay off.
Monday marks 3 weeks left to go to be 8 weeks. But I believe they may go a bit longer.. at least some of them. And thank you for the compliment! :)

From what I'm seeing in my loupe I seem to have 70-80% cloudy going on with the trichs.. hoping they take awhile to start getting amber. Also, once they start getting amber, roughly how long does it take to get "too much amber" ? :confused2:

Cheers again for the words Growdude :aok:
The amber all depends on the high u want. My personal experience is lighter or less amber is more head high and 50-75% amber is more couch locky. Only had 3 plants so far but that's where I'm at. I intend to let my 5 I have now get about 75% of them amber then cut trying to get more cbd personally not sure how to do that but have 12 plants to figure it out with.

then thinking 5x5 or 4x8 tent set up for winter runs
Thank you very much Miss ;)

@N.E: Yea I figured it was all preference. I think I'm aiming for about 30-45% amber. :confused2:
Still only a 3 star rating :(


Looks like I'm going to lose my smaller clones. Not sure if I did too much water.... or... well I'm pretty sure too much water. We'll see what happens, but it's not looking good.

Besides that, everything looks amazing up there today :D
Random thought.. seedlings are so much easier to deal with than clones!

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