Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android

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Everything is looking good in all stations today. Very hot today, tomorrow and the next day.

Curious, how long does the "crazy stretch" last in the first weeks of flowering? Isn't it 2 to 3?
strain dependent. if you get lucky, some indica's will stretch very little.

EDIT: you'll know the stretch is done when calyx production kicks into high gear.
Thanks so much Shortbus! :aok:

I'll snag some pictures tonight of my 3 stations, when lights come on :)
Well, it looks like things are really cranking. I guess my only question would be on 2 of the clones. One has very yellowing leaves and is drooping a lot, the other is curling in on itself. The other 6 clones look excellent :)

The pics will be in two batches. Please comment with any thoughts.

FlowerWeek3 (1 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (2 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (3 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (4 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (5 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (6 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (8 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (13 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (14 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (15 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (16 of 17).jpg

FlowerWeek3 (17 of 17).jpg
Looking real nice. Thanks for posting pics love watching the progress :)
And thank you for participating in my thread. Cheers! :)

(Side note: I think I just reported your post instead of replying to thread. Stupid phone!)
Hey, thanks THG! :D

Any thoughts on those 2 clones that aren't looking so hot? I don't quite think they are going to make it, but we'll see. Not sure if I have lockout of N going on maybe orrr... lack of nutes.. orrr.. something from my cuttings. I can tell I did much much better on taking the Blue OG clones.. they are phenomenal!
95° in one tent and 91° in the other both @ 59% humidity.

It hit 97° here today, so I'd say this was a good test for my setup. It seems to be holding up, and everything is flourishing. :D
try to get those temps down. the plants are not enjoying 90+ temps
try to get those temps down. the plants are not enjoying 90+ temps

I have no idea how to get the temps down. My money is spennnnnt on this project.. over $3,300 and I don't have another penny to invest currently.

The plants look pristine, so I'm not worried yet.... but it is alarming a tad. 97° is an absolute top here in my state... SOMEtimes it'll hit 100° but it's a bit rare.

Heading out to check the tent now and see how they made it last night. Thanks for checking in Shortbus!

Just checked the tents and everything seems great up there. 90° in one tent and 87° in the other, both at around 59% RH.

Only downside...I do believe I'm going to lose those 2 clones that weren't looking good, but that's not due to heat for sure. They never looked good, and I'm amazed that I got 2 out of 4 clones that are thriving! The 4x Blue OG all look excellent, but I surely did a better job taking those.
Well I opened up a window I had "blacked out" and have a fan pulling air out.. along with 2 fans suspended in the floor where I have holes cut, pulling cool garage air up from below. Both tents are vented into the ceiling and that is insulated and has 2 grated vents in each end of the upper part of the roof.

Hopefully putting that fan in the back window in combination with the 2 pulling from below will help bring it down 5-10°
ShOrTbUs said:
try to get those temps down. the plants are not enjoying 90+ temps

I agree... just bc they look happy does not mean they willcontinue to be happy if those temps continue.... do you run your lights at night?
Mighty fine yur trail walkin! Need help trimmin gets me pack and canoe ready ;)

do you run your lights at night?

Absolutely :aok: 7pm - 7am

Mighty fine yur trail walkin! Need help trimmin gets me pack and canoe ready

Thanks BWD :) I'm hoping that I get cramps in my hand from the sheer volume I have to trim!! hahah
DGF said:
Absolutely :aok: 7pm - 7am

Thanks BWD :) I'm hoping that I get cramps in my hand from the sheer volume I have to trim!! hahah

Ifin yual have problem with yur trimmen hand reckon I could spare mine in yur place lol ;) Yual good folk and fine yur trails watched. Much abliged.

Thanks BWD! :) Appreciate the kind words.

So the temps in the tents are a bit more manageable now. 80° in one, 81° in the other, both at about 51% RH.

Today is week 4.. 3 weeks down :)

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