got three plants ready to stick in the ground

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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any suggestions as how to successfully transplant from grow pots into dirt so that they take to the dirt. and it rains most everyday in mid summer here should I be concerned of over watering and provide a cover to protect from all the rain water, any one have the same issue
not much really.
if it's decent sized or root bound at all, it's a good idea to gently loosen up the roots a bit on the bottom.
and water them in after transplanting to their new home.

rain everyday.. yeah, not good. but i bet they'll take it being in the ground, but if you can provide cover, yeah.
i'd be more worried for rot/mold problems later.
good luck :)
skullcandy said:
any suggestions as how to successfully transplant from grow pots into dirt so that they take to the dirt. and it rains most everyday in mid summer here should I be concerned of over watering and provide a cover to protect from all the rain water, any one have the same issue

pick a location that gets all day sun. dig new hole 20 deep..
if you have nice black existing loam, add 50 % potting soil and mix w/ exist. soil. you can add some ammendments but not req"d. water. feed a min. of every 2 weeks. easy,peesy, 8 footers by fall.

NOTE: see "4u2 smokes" pvc/rerod rain covers. THERE GREAT..although not req"d till fall. STAKE,STAKE,STAKE a wise man told me here. when they get BIG,you must.. goodluck! :icon_smile:
I don.t got a spot with all day sun when I can put them so I been thinking of usinf a couple garbage cans with potting soiland nutes not sure if that would work but it sounds worth a try in the cans I can move around not sure if thats a good idea either
If you have them in nursery pots, I just cut the bottoms of the pots off and plant em so I don't disturb the rootball as much as possible,I've used small round trash cans before and moved them around with pretty good results, just make sure to put rocks or perlite in the bottom and drill many small holes in the can for drainage.
I got them in the ground a couple days ago I just dug about two foot down and filled it with potting soil pretty close to the top then put my plant in and coverver it the rest of the way now I got two good sized pots carved out of dirt so is the roots run out of potting soil they got the dirt to go in too.

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