Got Problems

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
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HELP ME!!!!! My plants aren't looking too good, couple of weeks ago i over ferted them so added lime and flushed 2 times they picked up a bit. so now i think iv'e got mn nute disorder cause i got bright orange spots on upper fan leaves:eek: . on the nutrient trouble shooter it says use chelated mn! what is chelated mn and can i dilute in water and spray it on plants.
but i'm also not sure because my plants are just over 3 weeks into flower.
Please help!!
Can you post a pic? What kind of soil and nutes? Know ph? Using tap or filtered water?
heres a pic from yesterday they look rusty colour, but today they got a lot worse and spots look alot brighter and it's affecting 2 from 5 plants. im using just multi-purpose soil (its quite good drainage tho) and i was feeding bio bizz nutes but havn't for last week or 2. i'm using tap water stood for at least 2 days water ph is just over 7 thought that might help the acidic over ferted soil ive got soil tester it reads about 6.8 ph but im not sure how accurate it is. cheers E Man
Just looks like mild burn to that a white strain? Your soil might be a bit N heavy, but she looks pretty good...I think she will ride it out. Keep an eye on her new growth, no nutes, no more flushing, and just let her do her thing...give us a pic of a brand new leaf at the growing tip in a day or 2. Maybe raise your light just an inch or 2, unless you are using flourescents, so she can calm down a little.:)

I see lots of deep green so no more N ok? Got any bloom boosters or high P & K ferts?

Up until the 3rd week of flower I always foliar...some times with food, but always with minerals. Take a quarter teaspoon of epsom plus or Ca/Mg supplement and dissolve in in a gallon of water, keep it close by in a spray bottle. I never have trace problems and minerals given by foliar will not cause anymore problems with your soil.

My 2 pennies worth, everyone else of course welcome to chime in.:ccc:
i'm not sure what strain they are (out of wicked weed) iv'e got bio-bloom nutes. i'll get epsom in the morning. but today they have got alot lot worse the spots aren't just on dried burnt bits there on fresh green aswell. i'll get some better pics in the morning. thanks for the help man!! :aok:
got some better pics, first one is from underside of leaf, second top of leaf, third hole plant. i checked up on dates i'm 4 week into flower, i'm not sure wether to spray or not! :confused: i'll wait on it for a bit and see what you think (cus i don't want to stuff up the buds). oh yeh, it says on nute trouble shooter if you got necrotic spots use chelated mn what you think man?
iv'e just sprayed them with the epsom over and under leaves, (done my back in) :mad: anyway, iv'e got em drying up now, i hope it works !! cheers :cool2: :48:
E Man, i checked plants this morning they havn't got any worse, but the new shoots look spindly and underformed i'll get a pic up in a bit. (all was going well untill i over nuted them, what a donut!!!) :joint:
One plant has turned hermi!!! and 2 other suspects, i guess that will teach me not to stress them out, anyway this was my first indoor grow and my knowledge has mutiplied since i joined this forum. i can't wait to start my next grow now. heres a pic of the herm and 2 pics of the new growth.
i'm gonna chill out with a smoke and figure out what to do.

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