funny lookin leaves

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yeah, so i'm not so sure i had a pH problem now. it might have only shown symptoms of a pH problem though.

i forgot to mention that i started out with distilled water when they were just seeds, but switched to a self pour water purified water that sat outside of kmart for $.25 a gallon. the PPM on the water was only like 10.

since my other posts i have been doing troubleshooting on my own. i also thought that the plants might be getting burnt from the light.

honestly, i had no idea. i just kept changing things until something worked.

so, i switched back to distilled water (brought the PPM up to about 200 and then pH balanced the water/nute mix) and moved the lights from my metal halide bulb to 2 4' T5 flouros.

the next day i went out of town with much worry. i'd be gone for 3 days and would not be able to take care of them the way i want.

when i returned i half expected that the light fell on them and that the plants would be growing around the my surprise the plants were doing great! on the tallest plant, before i left I had 8 nodes, when I got back it had 12 with the 13th on it's way out. the plant stands almost 12 inches now!

the other plants were doing well too! The one that at the top that someone said looked wind burnt had new leaves too!

so, i've learned my lesson. don't use cheap water and LEAVE the plants alone! They don't need them effin with them daily.

I've also since then pruned some of the dead leaves. But it looks like i might be good to go for now!

soon i'll be at the bloom cycle....we'll see what happens then lol.

i appreciate everybody's help.
i know this is an old post, but since i put my plants under the t-5 flourescent lights they have taken off like wild fire! they are about 4 feet tall now.

i took clones from them to determine male and females and have removed all the males. i'm down to 6 female mothers.

i've 12 clones going in my original grow tent under the 400 watt metal halide light and guess what? they were doing the same thing the mothers did while under the metal halide.

the plants look like crap with burn leaves and pH had also been driving from 5.5 to 7 in a 24 hour period. so, obviously this fluctuation in my pH is the reason for my problems, but why was this happening?

i've got another thread going to solve that problem and believe with the help of pepper that i was underfeeding my plants. i was still using the same nutes/water ratio that i had been using under the flourescent lights. that was the only variable. the 2 spaces are almost identical except for the lights!

the only obviously reason was the plants under the metal halide required more nutes due to the intense light and the ones under the flouros didnt need as much because the light was less intense.

so, over the past 2-3 weeks i have been slowly increasing my PPM from 400 to right about 1300. the pH is almost stable! it rises from 5.5 to 5.75 in a 24 hour period now!

once the drift gets to about 5.5 to 5.8 in a week i'm go to switch these guys from flowering to bloom and then start this whole circus again.

this time i'm not going to be so timid with the nutes. all over this forum and other forums people talk a lot about overfeeding your plants and how it's an easy rookie mistake....i have not seen much discussion on underfeeding your plants.

in any case, i hope that my next crop is better than this one and the one after that will be better than that one.

my next upgrade is to add another grow area. so, then i'll have a mother grow space, a veg grow space, and a bloom grow space. if all goes well, i'll be harvesting roughly every 2 months!

wish me luck.