fridge off at night so save elec?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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I read this somewhere a while ago and im now considering it, but is this a good idea? if it is worthwhile how long should i time it off for? does anyone else have any other good power saving tricks like that?
Personally I wouldn't unplug my fridge as I have $$$ in food in my fridge! My fridge and freezer are combined so I'd be afraid of loosin the frozen goods! and if you new me food is the last thing I want to loose other than my Buds LOL Plus I don't think unplugging the fridge would put much of a dent in the hyro bill as most new fridges are pretty energy efficient!

I am pretty sure you dont want to turn off that fridge, especially if there is a freezer that is running with it. Keep all air intake areas free of dust and scum, on the fridge, it will run better. Turn off unused lights. Us cold water to wash clothes with, and always run full loads. Goes for the dishwasher too, run only when full. Turn down your hot water heater, not off, just down. If you live in the city and have city water, dont pre rinse dishes before putting them in dish washer. Turn water off when brushing teeth, turn back on to rinse.
I am assuming you are serious.
i wouldnt be turning it off all night but time it to go off for a few hours
I'm pretty sure an A.C. or heating unit would cost more to run. Your heads in the right place but I'd start with the hot water heater. Get a timer for it, you'll save lots. Good luck
I have my water heater to go off from 6pm to 4am every day. I never even think about it and always have plenty of hot water. My electric bill went down by $25 bucks a month when I started doing it, and that was 1995 electric costs. Those things are electric hogs.

Fridges aren't very bad on electric. Especially at night, because they're mostly closed all night.

Turning up your A/C to 80F will help a lot too. I've done that this year. Now I don't notice it either. I have a big ceiling fan that runs 24/7 in the living room and during the day, I close all the A/C vents to the house except for the grow room and the common areas.
Use Solar Panels for your hot water...
Change all light bulbs to compact flouros...
ross said:
i wouldnt be turning it off all night but time it to go off for a few hours

Although u cut the power off a few hours or all night, U got to remember that when u turn that refig back on it will work harder to play catch up to make ur unit run hard to get to that temp.
Beside U have $$$$ in there and don't want any spoiled food.. :eek:
BRO ! why would you want to turn your fridge off at all ...when you turn it back on it will need to work twice as hard to get it to the correct temp ! so the motor will be under more stress to do this ! (that ain't good imo ) i doubt that your idea is a good power saving trick at all man ! although i can offer you a good power saving trick ...when you are not using your microwave unplug it or... turn your puter of now so you won't need to see the next ridiculous power saving tip i can offer you. It has to do with your dishwasher ! yet i have a sink ! i have a clothes dryer ..yet i have a clothes line ! i have a vacuam cleaner but i have a broom ! i have a jug ! but visit my neighbour for a cuppa ! i have a television ! but i watch my neighbours tv while having a cuppa ! I hope this helps ! peace and take care !
but I'd start with the hot water heater. Get a timer for it, you'll save lots.

I have my water heater to go off from 6pm to 4am every day. I never even think about it and always have plenty of hot water. My electric bill went down by $25 bucks a month when I started doing it, and that was 1995 electric costs. Those things are electric hogs.

how in the world do you hook ya hot water heater to a timer??? but also what happens to hot water when teh timer is set for it to be off. like you said yours is set for 6pm-4am... wat happens if ya go for a shower at like 2-4pm is tehre still gonna be hot water then or only when its set for on times?
what happens to hot water when teh timer is set for it to be off.

Once the water is up to temp in the heater, it will loose the heat amazingly slowly, if the heater goes off. From 6pm to 2am would be an easy shot for a shower.

Another way to pinch lincoln is to take a "GI shower". Turn the water on, wet your bod down, turn the water off, soap up from head to toe, turn the water back on for a quick rinse. The quick rinse with cool or cold water not only feels great, but will save ya at least another penny or two.
zipflip said:
how in the world do you hook ya hot water heater to a timer??? but also what happens to hot water when the timer is set for it to be off. like you said yours is set for 6pm-4am... what happens if ya go for a shower at like 2-4pm is there still gonna be hot water then or only when its set for on times?
They make timers for this specific purpose. Explain to the person at home depot what you're doing and they'll direct you to the timers.

You pick the 10 hours of each day that hot water CAN be used the least or not at all.

A little rearranging of your life style might have to happen to take advantage of this money saver. The water stays hot if not used. It requires very little time for it to come up to full heat when the timer comes back on.
thanks stoney. i'll have to look into it.
but if im not mistaken a persons home hot water heater is basically hardwired into they fuse/breaker box, No? jus curious if any extra electrical wiring will be required.
im not familiar wit hot water heaters other than they make water hot and piss ya off when in shower an sumone else flushes toilet in other bathroom LOL.
StoneyBud said:
They make timers for this specific purpose. Explain to the person at home depot what you're doing and they'll direct you to the timers.

You pick the 10 hours of each day that hot water CAN be used the least or not at all.


U must be running electric water heater to do all of this.! Right.?
I have propaine and that chit is expensive to buy when the cold winter is here.....
mines not electric either i just realized. i believe mines natural gas. same wit my heater. i remmebered that was why i never installed central air as tehy told me i'd have to replace my whole furnace cuz somethin wit mine not bein compatible wit a central air cond unit for the house...
unless you put it on a timer i would not ,if you forget to plug it in or turn it on all your food could spoil,,,a better idea is to turn off your water heater at night or put it on a timer,,,also unplug all those things that suck elec,,,i.e microwave,,,, phone chargers,,,dvd players,,,me and the lady rasta leave every thing unpluged (not the fridge or the stove)we plug it in when we use it ,,,,,,,,,save about 60 $ a month,,,,,p,l,r
Things like frdges, freezers, hot water heaters, AC units are best left to run at there pace.

It takes more energy to bring something up or down to temp than to maintain the temp setting. If you let them drop or raise above the temps by unplugging it causes more and longer work for it to get it back up, unlike just having it kick on for a few minutes then off as it maintains its temp. It also causes excessive wear and tear on it.

Ways to help the amount of energy used is by just keeping the temps at a good range, not blistering hot water or sub zero fridge where the milk in the back isn't freezing :p
your fridge door is closed all night, its not really running much at all, look into lowering the temp setting on hot water heater.

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