flushing outdoors ?

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Stay High
Feb 22, 2007
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whats up fellow tokers? i have a ? about flushing a plant thats in the ground. does a plant thats in the ground have to be flushed in order to get the fertilizers out at time of harvest? i know in containers it is recomended to flush but i am unsure for plants in the ground becuase there would be no where for it to flush out of. in a pot it has drainage but not in the ground. also i am using fox farm ferts
any answers are greatly appreciated
if you've been giving ferts to your outdoor, simply stop for the last few weeks.

you can't necessarily "flush" a plant in the ground... just stop giving neuts... only water.
CVG is right....what he said to do is called "leaching" ;)
Takes longer, but wouldn't worry about the ferts.
Depending where you are at on the globe in my neck of the woods got a long time to go before you gotta worry about it.
If your outdoor I hope you went organic and not chem. Then leaching and flushing doesn't even need to be done. Chem ferts are horrible for the enviro.

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