first time scrog made from 100lb test fishline and alot of LST

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Yo hick I could use your input. One of my plant I think it's Casey jones. I started flowering and the inside of my leaf turned a bright yellow with rust spots and it's not budding. I suspected magnesium problems. I hit it with Epsom salt. What you think. The bright yellow in thenmoddle of the leaf is only on one. HICK.




Ok my conclusion about cloning. This plastic bottle method seem to be GOLDEN. WHAT I DID WAS PUT IN RAPID ROOT AND PUT IT UNDER THE DOME. ROOT RIOTS SHOULDN'T BE TO WET. LET IT STAY DOMED FOR A GOOD 3 or four dayzzzz. Open it up about once a day to make sure that your cubes are still moist Then get a plastic bottle. Water bottle that's sold in liquor stores the small one. Then get some soil. Put soil
In the cut in half water bottle. Put your clone inside the cup. Cover the dirt in soil. So what I did. I put them in my flower section where it's pretty hot. I leave them in there until it's night time for the budding plants. Then I move the back in the veg section. Which I'm running 5000k lights. It's cooler in this section. (I believe any warm area would have the same results). To pop seeds I put a incandescent close to the soil because it will warm your soil. Inturn bringing germination to seeds are roots to a clone. So if you don't have a heat mat. Get a incandescent bulb close to your soil are to your plastic water bottle to heat the soil. The way you know your roots are forming inside your plastic water bottle you will see condensation on the outer plastic. Check your cups everyday. Soon as you see roots have made it to the plastic wall transplant. (I forgot to mention don't poke holes in the water bottle. ).



EDIT: :rolleyes: ...Fox farms Ocean Forest WILL BURN SEEDLINGS/CLONES. I've done it on a batch and learned the hard way:doh:.

I'll place a cutting in a nute-light soil like BlackGold or HappyFrog, amend w/ a good amount of perlite. After that, when I pot up, the top most layer will be pure BG/HF, then, I'll make a stratified layering of pure BG or HF, next lvl will down will be 75%BG/HF to 25%FFOF, then increase the FFOF by ~25% and decrease the BG/HF by 25% increments, roughly, so that you end up w/ 100% FoxFarms Ocean Forest on the bottom. Then when u pot up from that, your girls are acclimated to the hotter soil and ready to GROW GROW GROW! woops guess I wrote that in rev order but w/e u get the point ;) Just remember to have FFOF on the bottom and the HF/BG at the top w/ a (graduated) mix in between...


7greeneyes said:
EDIT: :rolleyes: ...Fox farms Ocean Forest WILL BURN SEEDLINGS/CLONES. I've done it on a batch and learned the hard way:doh:.

I'll place a cutting in a nute-light soil like BlackGold or HappyFrog, amend w/ a good amount of perlite. After that, when I pot up, the top most layer will be pure BG/HF, then, I'll make a stratified layering of pure BG or HF, next lvl will down will be 75%BG/HF to 25%FFOF, then increase the FFOF by ~25% and decrease the BG/HF by 25% increments, roughly, so that you end up w/ 100% FoxFarms Ocean Forest on the bottom. Then when u pot up from that, your girls are acclimated to the hotter soil and ready to GROW GROW GROW! woops guess I wrote that in rev order but w/e u get the point ;) Just remember to have FFOF on the bottom and the HF/BG at the top w/ a (graduated) mix in between...


Man that's alot. I was gonna repot in fox farms
As long as the cuttings are thriving in pure FF ocean Forest then by all means go ahead, it's your youngin's. You get out what you put into anything but i know that this helps temper the cuttings to the hotness of FFOF. Just tryin' to help, sorry bout such a long post...
I just don't understand the different mixes. I haven't studied that yet that's all. I put my last clones in fox farms. I didn't have no problem
WHAMMY! Well there ya go then. When I did my Widows, they burned burned burned. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

lookin' real good , greenephene. Keeper up :aok:


7greeneyes said:
lookin' real good , greenephene. Keeper up :aok:



thanx I'm trying my best. I just be glad when it's finished

I got buds every where. I hope my plants don't die because I see alooooooot of bud forming. SCROG is the way. I did have to trim my fan leaves in the middle because I got like twenty covered budsites and no no no I can't have that. So I opened her up

And yes I got four living clones ready for the next rotation. I'm just letting them kick back for now. Till my big mammas finish up then my new ladies will come out. I'm just observing them right now seeing which ones are the strongest and those I shall keep. Thanes for taking the time checking in on my threads.


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