Runbyhemp said:
Don't think so
Not at all, all I am saying is that in "most" cases with large scale production, somebody is getting hurt somewhere along the line. The government is correct. Because they have made it illegal they have caused the problem.
No ... just the large scale criminals who use violence. I wasn't talking to you when I replied to this thread. I was talking to the author. Here is a guy that is getting into growing for profit. Knows nothing about it, knows nobody. Who is he going to go to sell his weed ? You may be growing for profit and not be involved in violence but how long has it taken you to build these safe contacts, years probaly.
As I said above I wasn't talking directly to you, but giving advice to the "newbie" who wants to go "big time". You're honestly going to tell him to go for it ?
It's not my job to be someones dad, the dude got 500 acres of land so he's clearly not 16, so I would say he was a big enough boy to look out for himself.
If the dude wants to go through with it, i'm not going to press him for details on who he's going to sell it to or whatever, thats not my business.
If he wants to do it, then yeah, sure,
It will either fail or succeed, if it succeeds great, if not, then its down to bad planning and doing it the wrong way and he should have got more educated before getting involved, so his own fault, its not my job to police people and make sure their ethics are good.
He just said I wanna grow 100+ plants cus I have a lot of land can someone please tell me what i'll be getting myself into, I don't even remember him saying he was going to sell to be honest and not in the way your pressuming he will.
For an outdoor grower, you get one session per year, thats it, if you don't take it indoors what you grow has to last you a year.
So yes your being stereotypical and instantly judging this guy instead of just giving him facts and asking him any questions you feel needed to be answer to satisfy you about the way he would be growing and possibly selling, we don't know on that part.
I've been on loads of mj sites, and a theme is always constant, people hate the way everyone is set against pot smokers/growers, that they tarnish us all with the same brush when all we doing is sitting at home having a toke not hurting anyone.
To come to a site where people are doing this to their own without asking questions is amazing.