100+ plants? What for?
To me that is selfish, as well as a good way to get picked up for it. I dont know youre locale, but i know that most places have a limit, and none that i can recall are 100+.
I grow for myself, a few med-friends, and some simple vacation cash, thats it. I do however enjoy the hobby of growing MJ. Having said that, im not gonna try to grow 100 different strains at the same time....
Its been seen and proven, time and time and time again on this board about how people become selfish and greedy and grow more than they should, and then get suprised when they get busted for it. Ive even posted news articles of people in my locale gettin busted for it. If you wanna grow, grow smart! Growing 100+ is not smart IMO, its retarded.
Grow Smart = Long time grows and overall profit
Grow Dumb = Short time growing, money spent on attorneys and doing jailtime
On top of how much of an attraction it will cause, not only to the deer, but to the people who hunt the deer. On top of the smell. On top of the LEO with IR, and some dumbshit teens gettin caught up in your property pluckin off your plants and get hurt and you gettin sued and some attorney bringing charges against you for them gettin hurt, and then whatever public prosecutor comes after you for growing in the first place. It all comes down to this....
If its legal to grow where you are from, then get legalized and support the rest of the legal growers, instead of a statistic that is used against us in politics and court. You can always grow in small quantities, so even if you do get busted, its not like the headlines are gonna say, "GUY GETS BUSTED WITH HALF-MILL WEED CROP!"
Just dont become another statistic that those of us who are trying to get legalized have to fight against. Think before you act!