Dubbaman said:
getting worse doesn't sound real good to me guy you sure your not feeding it any of that food cause food is nutes to the plant and it may not be ready for it how old was it(ill reread the post and see if i find it) OK so your plant is about a month old you should be about ready to start using nutes if you want to but as far as the spots the only thing i can say is that in that box in the pics it looks like the light will sit right on top of them in there and i didn't see a lot of ventilation so it most likely getting hot in there
hope this helps a little but alot would be better
Yes, trust me on the nutes part. I have always been afriad of using them, so I just steered clear. As for the ventilation, the last pictures were of the box before I cut holes in it and put a fan blowing air in. I have a thermometer in there and the highs run about 81 and the lows about 76.
And now for the updates =)
Ok, well I played photographer tonight and tried to get the best and the most pictures I could of my plants. The white blob problem seems to have gone away on plant #1, but on plant #3 it seems to have gotten worse. Today I didn't water them, so maybe that had some type of effect. As for the size, well I have pretty big hands, but I'm sure you can get somewhat of the jist. Also, as of right now Im preparing on expanding the box and transplanting plant #1 to a bigger pot. Not to mention praying to the all mighty herb gods that it is female. If not, I don't know what I'm going to do, because the other two seemed to have halted growth.
As for the sex, I figured it was too early to tell yet. But I still snagged a few pictures of plant #1 anyways seeing as how its the most developed. And man, the smell of these plants is nice. Its like fresh green weed, and only being able to smell musty bag weed till now. I love it. Sadly though, I had to put an air freshener in the room so to keep it more secretive.
As for the setup, I plan on getting more lights this weekend and narrowing it down to only one plant when I get the sexes all figured out. Oh, and is there anything I should be doing to make the plant show sex? Or will it eventually just grow its parts in the vegetative state?
Ok, heres how the pictures go. The first two are of my box. The next three are of plant #1. And the four after that are of plant #2.