i remember seeing pictures of Kirlean photography years ago, where it showed plant energy. And then they showed a plant getting cut down, and the colors and dimension changed dramatically.
Interesting thing about that---the person who killed the plant came back into the plant room, and the other plants were being monitored, and every plant started screaming in colors and energy waves when the man came into the room again.
Very interesting data!
Chef, i'm going to have to find some fruity seeds to try. I've never smoked any fruity anything, but it sure sounds delicious. I hate to admit it, but my hermie grow from last winter tastes and smells like alfalfa. Curing was so so so impossible with our single digit humidity. Even with a humidifier on, it just would not cure slow enough. Ah well, those alfalfa hermies still did the job. I hope each grow gets successively better.
Toke 'er up, Chef!