v35b, ah, the dreaded claw leaf!!
Yes, I've had those as well. Read somewhere that overwatering could cause the prob, or a res temp too cold, but I think it might be ph related also. If I let my ph drop to 5.25 or lower for a few waterings, my sativa and sativa/indica mixes exhibit this leaf display. I also notice that once a leaf claws, it never seems to relax, or spread out again. I've never had this prob with the indica dominant types that I prefer, but clawed some WW, Power Skunk, and some Ice. I'd love to hear from one of the experts about this condition.
v35b, I would continue to drain every 7 - 10 days, and replace with nuted, ph'd, available water. Then, if you need to top off your res, use your distilled or pure bought water. Too bad that your well water is shot, but I seem to remember one of our resident experts uses well water, and his/her results are supurb.