Emergency! Strange reaction to smoking

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I've been struggling with the exact same thing for (sadly) almost a year now. I started to get that strange shortness of breath feeling with a bad body high and also thought I was having breathing problems or a heart attack back around spring break of last year. Before, I smoked everyday and loved it for about 2 years and this came on all of a sudden. I do have an anxiety disorder but weed used to be my salvation from it. I've tried everytihng to get back to normal smoking such as small hits, taking long breaks from smoking, forcing myself to build a tolerance again, smokn alone etc etc and still no help. as for you Jay it sounds like its a lot like what happened to me: you just anticipate that bad feeling to come on so it does. I personally believe its all mental but cant get over it. When i smoke i of course know that theres nothing wrong with me but it just isnt pleasant like it used to be, hard to enjoy it when u feel like u can barely breathe. I would love ANNNNY advice to help me because after a year it still hasnt gotten a SINGLE BIT easier to watch my buddies smoke a blunt or a fat bong rip. And btw fuck that guy who says u must be a new smoker to get this, I was about as much of a stoner as someone can be and never got the slightest bit of paranoia when high and this thing hit out of nowhere and i cant shake it.
I find if weed is harvested too early it does that to me. Problem is the local weed is ussually all harvested at the same time and has the same affect and is supplied by different people all year long until the next harvest. (one grower, ten thousand dealers) you would be suprised how many times a pound changes hands. IMHO.
If you have an axiety diorder you may want to lay off the weed for a while.

P.S. don't ever let anyone tell you your a lightweight or a pussy. that is just stupid. smoke what you can and be happy that is what is all about, not how much you smoke. I have been smoking for over 17 yrs. I am still a light wieght. It never took me much to get where I want to be with a high. I just like to get high.
I'd stopped smoking for about 2 and a half months and figured maybe I could smoke again. I did. Nothing went wrong. I was happy as hell and on the moon, just like old times. So thinking that everything was ok I tried it again. Whoops. I got done and felt normal, but then about 5 minutes later that heart thing came in again. At first I went into denial, tried to talk it off. But it came...stronger than ever. I started drinking juice, trying to rehydrate myself. Paced around the house. I figured it would go away in 30 minutes. Didnt. I felt extremely restless/tired. After an hour I started to have the shakes. Then the cold chills, numbness and weird body high followed. After the high went down the old thing left was the "heart feeling."I still feel it as I'm typing this. I give up. Some guy on another forum was talking about a medicine u could take b4 smoking to stop the reactions. Ill tell u the name of it if it. But as of now ive stopped....thanks for the advice guys. And lol Ive been smoking for two years and this has never happened to me.
this has happened to me before. I start to get tunnel vision and of the vision i still have, it's fuzzy. It's kind of scary at first, but when i realised that i wasn't going to die, i just sat down. I have heard that if you haven't eatten all day or maybe if you don't have enough of the essential nutrients in your body, you can have one of these episodes a lot easier.
yeah that shit happen to me b4 i was smoking some blunts wit my cuzin and ho,ie i eventuallu black out for bout 5 secs then i got up and i was okay after that jyst really faded
the haert pounding,unable to catch your breathe, all that stuff is panic/anxiety attacks

if this starts happening, make sure your in a comfortable area like no niose and caming and shit,try breathin in through your mouth and out your nose this should help you regulate your breathing .

any of you got stress or certain problems?
This happens to me sometimes. Like the first time i smoked pot ;). It also happend about 2 months ago, which was probably the worst ive ever had. My heart started pounding and i had trouble breathing. I was really really really really really really high and I was watching cartoons (it had to be about 1 in the morning). I had an anxiety attack and i ran to the bathroom and flushed my face with cold water. It was so bad i began contimplating calling 911 but luckily I decided not to. After about 10 minutes before it had started it ceased, and I went back into the living room and passed out on the couch. I haven't had one since and I have learned how to fix them. Timothy Leary once said that sugar (oranges are best) can often eliminate bad experiences, bad trips, or anxiety attacks with drugs like marijuana, LSD, and other psychoactive drugs. I haven't tried it, but I am assuming it works. That's all I have to say on the topic. Happy highs everyone :)
Yeah man that sucks that you had to quit Jay
Ive never had any thing like that hapen to me before
Thank God....... Nock on wood lol....... Ive thrown up,
passed out after smokin at night,got a really bad head
ake but never what you are sayin blacking out or panic
attacks But yeah thats all I really have to say Well Like
Lysergic said Happy Highs Everyone!! And No Bad Trips!
not to get off subject but some dude said...

"Vitamin C is the key, believe me: a doctor friend of mine explained it to me one time but I've forgotten why it's the key, but it is. Also very useful in other bad experiences."

isnt that like a great stoner saying? it cracked me up...
I have also heard about vitamin c. Whenever i eat mushrooms i make sure to either to a vitamin c pill or just drink some OJ.
Happened once with a very brave attempt on a bowl filled with Malawi Cob (if any you's know it) Two hits BAM I was out, all the before mentioned symptoms, shaking, sweating, can't even see properly. It was actually quite cool once it wore off. Hehehe
I've had this same problem, it all started with one really long night in the boonies of TN. I grew up out there mainly smoking herb and eating 'shrooms by the handful all summer, never had any problems. I was 21 at this point and we'd been partyin' for about a week just goin' to town.
I have always stayed away from ecstasy, never thought it was for me, never liked the chemical stuff too much. This night in particular we were 'shroomin, drinking and smoking, pretty usual, then my friend talks me into taking a ecstasy hit, no big deal, everything was groovy, the night went on and I had another, the next thing I knew the sun was coming up and one more pill was going down.
Here is where the trouble started. I turned bright red, really, really red and everyone started freaking out about it, and that freaked me out. I ran to the trees for help, rode it out for about a day and a half. Head spinning, no sleep, dizzy, feeling like I was going to black/white out, and an intense feeling that something was very wrong that I couldn't get rid of.
Since then I was never the same, couldn't eat without feeling wierd, smoking would bring it on, it would just hit me for no reason. I went to the doctor and got the full check-up, I allready pretty much knew what it was (EMT/medic for 5 years). Once it was all said and done it was indeed panic attacks. It wasn't because I was uptight, anxetic or anything else, it was because I over did it with the substances and I knew there was a reason I didn't do ecstasy!
I wound up on paxil for four years and just got off of it a few months ago. When I finally went to the "head shrinker" over it, the intake nurse said "you are not nearly the first to come in and tell this story".
So I guess my question is; what other drugs do you do that may have be the root of the problem. The numbers are showing, very strongly that ecstasy throws off the seratonin levels in the brain and that is what causes things like depression and panic.
Cocaine is also one of the main culprit and sometimes it takes years to show up as a problem.
A panic attack is nothing bu tthe body jumping into it's fight or flight reaction for no reason, since there is nothing to take the attention away from what yer body is doing, you trip on it even more
Feel free to look up some of this information, or PM me as I have been there man!
For me it was the robotripping. Smoked pot for a cpl years before I tried it, than I robotripped about 3 weekends in row. One night drinking two full bottles of robotussin. had the worst experience of my life, and never done it since. That about about 2 years ago.

I've been having panic attacks everyonce in a while ever since (only when I'm high.)
when i started my chest would hurt, and i felt like i could hear every heartbeat real loud, but after a while i learned to ignore it, and it doesn't happen anymore

maybe you got a bad environment.
I love this thread. It's like the energizer bunny. It was started 08-08-2005, 04:23 PM, and it's still going after 10 months!

You guys are great to still be helping the OP! Good for you!

That's why I like MJ users so much. They just seem to care more.
You right Stoney, I think I replied to this once before.
but here we go again.

1. I robotripped back in the early nineties. That crap is BAD NEWS. Google it man. Talk about reaking Havoc on your body. Plus everyone that I ever new that did it and got sick (including me) can't even take it when sick. The idea of cough syrup makes me gag to this day and its over 10 yrs ago.

2. I think a lot of this Anxiety attacks and stuff can be contributed to when the bud was harvested. Problem with "street bought" stuff is you have know idea about what ferts, pesticides, and stuff have been used. Also if harvested early I noticed a more heart fluttering, paranoid, heady type high. But when harvest late couch-lock, more relaxed high. I prefer the later.

I do know of a couple of people that I met in my MJ travels that actually get seizures when smoking. but they were mild epileptics. Something in the weed triggered it. But that was rare. I think outa 400 people I smoked with. only 2 that I know of. I'm no doctor just stating what I seen.

Also with New smokers. You have a lot of things running through your head. Am I going to get caught?. I'm doing something illegal. do they know I'm stoned!!!!????. All this could lead to an Anxiety attack.

So many things can have a part in how you react to MJ at first. Now I spark a doobie up and don't think anything of it. I kick my feet up and chill out. but looking back I remeber all these symptoms when I first started smoking herb.

Last thing. MJ you plant and harvest. No chemical alteration or anything (unless making hash oil). Now with Coke, X, any of those things. They are all refined, or distilled, or cut. You are ingesting a man-made or altered drug. Now with the internet you have people cooking meth, cutting coke, and many more things. I look at this way, your putting your life in the hands of some screwed up dude high as hell using dangerous chemicals. Ummm not the best idea. Prime Example. Acid. When I was young it good and clean. 8 yrs. ago was the last time. Too dirty. Tells me average joes with a recipe and no clue are making it. but herb. pick it cure it and smoke it. I have done almost all of em. and now @ 30yrs old. Weed is the only thing for me. The rest is bullshit. IMHO
i had a similar reaction i don't no if it's because i'm epileptic or what. It was after i had gotten pretty high and all of a sudden i started getting crazy dizzy and things got a little blurry and it felt like i couldn't keep my eyes open. My heart started to beat way too fast and i started shaking and hyperventilating. It felt so wierd, it didn't hurt though. I was just hoping i would pass out, i was so scared i thought i was gonna have a heart attack or something. Eventually i told myself that i just needed to calm my heart down, so i slowed my breathing and eventually it stopped. I still had to watch my breathing after tho, cuz it my heart would start to speed up if i didn't, but after awhile i was just laughing at everything and had a normal high. it really freaked me out though
Happened to me for a little while about a year or so ago.

I think its just major anxiety / paranoia, like a panic attack, panic attacks can often seem like a heart attack. Just remember your high and its probably in your head..

But to be safe, I would only smoke small amounts and see how you go.
I had this problem come up after 8 YEARS of smoking and I believe it's the bud!

This is why, recently I got the bud I used to get and smoked it, got it from out of state. The ONLY thing I had was a nice, calm, stone.

I really really believe this is the TYPE of bud your smoking or what has been used while it was growing.

I thought it was just me LOL, I even went to the hospital to get checked out, the doc looked at me and said "it's funny how your acting" and winked at me.

If I smoke the round crunchy bud *no matter how strong* does not do this to me, however, if I smoke the long thin potent buds I get it REAL bad.

I can *think* myself through it.

I took a 2 year break from smoking and now I'm going to grow my own.

BTW I have anxiety disorder so is there a type of bud I can grow that is good bud and is less likely to cause this? I have heard sativa spelling? is worse for people with anxiety?
You guys do know that this was a thread from 2005 right? I know I know, its past 4:20. Believe me, you get slack. ;) :bong1:

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