I have had a lot of bad experiences with smoking cannabis and getting very panic and breathless almost passing out a few times,once i even went to the emergency room and told them that i smoked a joint and feel very sick,doctor asked me what i used,and i told him only a few tokes of a joint,my simptoms were,rapid heart beats,depersonalization,panic,hiperventilation,muscluar spasms...it felt like it was very very cold and I am sitting naked outside,my jaw was vibrating so much that i couldnt even talk normally!Doctor gave me somekind of vitamin/diazepam bomb,it settled me back to being relaxed but all my symptoms passed about one hour later...after that time things have never been the same for me,I tryed smoking after that but it lasted only a few days and then it would eventually gotten back to the panic and other symptoms everytime i smoked and then i stoped smoking for a few years,in those few years I had more of those episodes,onetime i even got struck on my brothers birthday when we were out celebrating i got admited to the hospital center and stayed for 3 days on observation.they let me go and wrote that i had an acute alchocol poisoning,i mean i only like drinked a little bit of beer,they found only like 0.05% of alcochol in my blood and i assure you it didnt had anything to do with my true problem...after a few years I was diagnosed with social phobia,and panic attack,or how do you call it anxiety attacks,they all occured later after i stoped smoking weed and slowly devouring my confidence and calmness,i feard dying or losing my mind,I feard of disseases and going out alone,almost every time I was stuck outside and like had to walk home a few miles or something I started to lose my breath,my chest was feeling tight,my vision became slowed,I was losing my balance and a lot of different unpleasant things,but after a years of trying to medicate and trying modern medicine i found out what my problem really was,Now I am smoking cannabis almost every day and I have found my relaxation,I found out that it is not the plants fault that it made me sick,but only my own brain,cannabis can induce some kind of psycotic episode,they call it cannabis psycosis or something like that,but dont be intimidated or anything,I maybe got struck by that psycosis and my mental state contibuted to that,but back then i was a kid and smoked my *** out every time and i didnt appreciated the plant and didnt care for it s true values,I can calmly say with a smile in my face,This is what you should do when you get that panic attack when you smoke weed,You need to understand the basics of your anatomy and your body,you need to get to know why your body is acting like it is,panic attack is nothing but your body`s wrong perception of your environment,when you get that heartracing,collapsing feeling,first you need to stay calm,this is the most crucial factor of it all,panic attack will not kill you,it is just your body preparing itself for danger,so that is why your adrenal glands start to release adrenalin in your blood,your veins tighteen up more blood gets into your vital organs and that is why everytime you have that panic attack your hands and feet are cold and sweatty...you cannot die from a panic attack,so if you ever experience this kind of symptoms dont be feared,just stay calm,dont breath to fast,you need to calm yourself and your breathing rhytm,i found my self the best measure for that,slowly and deeply brethe,into your stomach,not into your lungs,as deeper you can and then wait 2 seconds and exhale for about 5 seconds,stay relaxed and just let go to the sensation,dont fight it even if it is scary,just tell yourself hit me as hard as you can and if you are thinking positive and staying calm the adrenalin rush will go away because your body cannot hurt itself,if you want it make your panic worse it will simply go away...I know that in that time of panic the last thing you will do is concentrate and stay calm and possitive,trust me I had like a few hundred of attack and about 30 percent of that was more aggresive than the trip to the hospital attack...I dont know what i can say anymore but just dont ******* worry,i was on a break of being crazy or so I thought but human body is a remarkable machine,but the most important thing is your mind,for me cannabis smoking is not just relaxation,it is a spiritual traveling,I like to go to the nature now and get blasted and listen to the leaves and the wind,and I can tell you the most trippy high was outdoors on my grow site...I got so blasted that i could barely stay on my feet,my heart pumped like 200bpm or more,i had like a huge trip in my head,i saw like the past,the present,and the future all in the same exact moment,and things rapidly repeated,voices,images...it was a very frightening experience but i just tried to stay calm and relay,and in the end I just let go of my self,and my mind started to float,the clouds got so close i could barely touch them,the trees and the leaves and the wind...it was like nature talked to me and i could like see the perfect nature s plan,i could see that death should not be scary,i could see that this life is only a part of the whole nature s process and that we can never truly die,i cannot explain it but i can say after that day i never woken up and first thought how may panic attack i will have to survive this day,it has show me the way,maybe only in my mind but i can now go out and be normal,i am not frightened anymore and i think that my experience how ever scary and uncomfortable it has been,it made me a better and more intelligent person,I never knew fear until i had that first panic attack,my whole fear was that i will kill my self with my mind and my bad thoughts and my constant worrying...so just fuckin relax,get some food and drink and always eat and drink before or at the moment you are smoking,because hunger can make you unpleasant and weak and if you are high from some killer sativa you can get really ****.. up if you know what i mean,so just prepare yourself before you smoke,except the high as something natural and dont jump on every unpleasant cerebral or mental glitch and it will evolve into a state of peace and comfort,and yea dont use cannabis just for fun like those stupid kids everywhere,dont smoke if you are not already a grown normal person or if you have somekind of mental problem,you need to become more aware of your spirit and balance your subconciousnes,that way your highs will become like orgasms,something peacefull,and very pleasant!i prefer smoking alone,that is my way of staying in touch with my spirit,and yea I like early morning smokes,i like to get early in the morning,like in dawn,put on some great music like "dub incorporation" and get so very very high,and just relaxing and thinking about the nature,about my self,about how cannabis is a great plant,a plant that will help me a great deal in my life,help me against all of those diseases i now have so much less chance of getting,just be calm and dont fear of dying if you smoke some weed,that aint gonna happen,even if you pass out it is a good thing,like shutdown but it is really hard to blackout in that state because your body is prepared for danger and pumps more blood and oxygene into your organs,remember deep and slow breathing,food,water and just a possitive feeling,dont worry and i promise you that you will not die or become crazy or any other kind of bad thing,you would be suprised how good a few panic attacks can be for you...you will become less affraid and bohthered about stupid things,and get in touch with your body,Just remember how many times have you even felt that you had a heart,only when you ran a few miles or got really scared...you dont even feel it but maybe you should,maybe we all should have that kind of experience,than we would respect the plant s power,that is why i dont drink alcochole anymore,only smoke weed,respect the plant and mother nature,and it will not harm you!be peacefull and calm and stay that way!