I'll try to get out to the ice store this weekend and get it.
Thanks for all the tips. I didn't consider the effect that the dry ice will have on the plastic. I'll watch for that. Thanks for that one. And, I also wonder how the dry ice will affect the opening size of the mesh (silkscreen, not stainless), if at all.
Since you have all been so nice with all the tips, allow me to retort.....
I was cruising around the internet today and I found a silk screen supply manufacturer that was selling framed screens in various sizes. I ordered 3 (what look to be) very nice aluminum frame silk screens, the same size as the Bubbleman uses in his process (140/107/75), 20"x24" and all three screens were under $60 including shipping. I ordered them today, they have already shipped and UPS says they will be here Monday. I'll update you on the quality and their suitability to the task after they arrive.
The name of the company I bought from is called Atlas Screen (
http://www.atlasscreensupply.net/) but I presume any silk screen supplier would have them at close to the same price. This place took Paypal which I like.
I had an incredible day of sifting, today. Mrs Hackerman is coming home so I'll turn the compressor off for her sake but I will resume tomorrow. LOL I have not weighed it yet but I'll bet it's close to an ounce. LOL I found some old bubble hash popcorn in the freezer that I ran through the wash once. I put that in the shaker and got at least 3 or 4 grams. I can't believe all those years I washed my bubble once and then threw it away. Last time I made bubble hash, I got more from the second and third wash than I did from the first. Live and learn.
Once I get these screens, I'll run the same process as the BBman and see if it works the same way.
Thanks again all. Wish I could share this with you.