Droopy White Widow Cont.

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mikeybtoken said:
Good Morning M.P.
I have never been much of a computer dude, but I'll tell you what I'm certainly using the darn thing lately.
Give me a marijuana grow card and bunch of grower/stoners and I am in the zone. I hate to sound like a broken record here but .......I just love this place and you people ROCK!!!

What's up FleshS welcome....thanks for the look see. Ducting .....ducting ......ducting.... what a royal pain in the but that has been. Thanks for the heads up FS and I'm with ya......... I have to do some more remodeling on my ducting. That section is temped in, until I get my next light up. Once that is done and it is working properly I will eventually run as much of it as I can in tin with a couple of dampers to adjust the air flow between my rooms. One thing that I have learned is to try leave it as adjustable as possible until I get it j u s t r i g h t ! I've got some hurdles to go. Next summer will the final test. Anyway thanks for the advice, and you are oh so right I need to do something about that it is an easy fix. That pic is showing my air intake, which has moved three times now.
Thanks Again FS

Hi 7G
I'm still laughing at my self about that Brava Strain what a doofus.......LOL

My clones.........oh my poor clones......Today they don't look as well, I really need to get another light for cloning. It's costing me a fortune to run my MH light to clone and it does not seem to work really well. I know that there is a better way, either florescents or those CFL's that Firsttimecaller used for his WW veg.

Time Out!!!

Lets ALL just get really stoned and think about this shall we ...........................
oh come on you know you want to ......................................................
that's better ......closer...................one more.....................................................
Lets hear those bongs, pipes and joints.
OK anybody that did not get stoned enough really should start over.

Thanks for stopping by......peace......MBT

The lower intensity the better, mh is better for rooted clones and older.

lol...I'm utilizing a fixture flourescent fixture that is as old if not older then me...a flourescent 3x40watt (retrofitted w/6400k's) meant for illuminating office spaces. :D I am so freakin excited 4 my Snow Whites to get cloneable-sized.
Trying to kill my first clones under 1000w light was not my only mistake this week. I messed up my light schedule three days this week. :confused:
I flipped them back to 24/7 for two days and then about 18/6 for another day. Then I blew a breaker and tried to freeze them yesterday, after overheating them the night before. It's been getting below freezing at night so I added another heater, tripped a fuse @#$@#$%#$%#$%#$%$%^@$

So after almost killing everything, I limmited my kill erb intake, and decided to do everything partially manually for the next week or so. Double, even triple check everthing. Trying to control four lights, two fans, two heaters, a heating pad, while ventilating my room has been a bit more than I had planned for. I have gained alot more respect for all of you growers!!! More than a few times this week I had started wondering if I had gotten myself in over my head.
I hope that once I get everthing a bit more stablized and then once I have everthing automated it should get much easier?
Even after all of the problems even my clones are still alive. After one day of 12/12 and normal regular temps everthing seems to be doing fine. I figure as long as I don't repeat this weeks mistakes that they should be fine. I can see how one wrong move could easily kill off a whole crop.
Before I started this an experienced grower told me to have a second batch of seeds ready to go just for this reason. I feel pretty lucky and I'm really glad that I have not had to use them........yet.
Enough wining!!!
I turned off my MH until I have clones THAT ARE READY for veg. Du!!! I still have 10 of the 12 that are still alive, look OK and are now under a 2' flourescent. They will be sitting on their new heat pad as soon as my flower room lights come back on.

I gave my WW, except for one, their first FF nutes at 1/8 strength w/o any problems, they seem to really like that stuff.
Even after stressing them more than once this week they seemed to snap right out of it?
Top...Pic # 3 is my room temps and RH. Pic #4 is top of the plants temp and bottom of the floor temp. Pic #5 top guage is veg room temp, flower rm temp/RH. Bttm # is floor temp in veg room. Where my clones are under a cheap 17w grow lamp where the inside dome temps are running about 80ish and humidity is about the same.

One of my crazy AMS freebies turned out to be a female and the other I am still not sure about. The deformed looking one (R first pic) and it has a very strong citrus smell to it. I keep wanting to kill it but at this point, I think that I will just wait for it to show sex.

The pics below are the crazy plants, the amount of growth on the inside of these plants is just amazing. They are both very dense and are just crammed with growth.
Thanks for the look see.
Peace MBT
those girlz r lookin damned sexy mikey! i'm excited fer ya!


7GE :D
So I'm not loosing my mind, my timer is mal fuc tioning, opps does that count as a curse word?
I hope that I did'nt herm out any of my plants last week. I messed up my lighting cycles three days over the last week.

Hi 7G Thanks....here are some much better pics of my sexy girls. As you can see in pic # 4 (of four of my plants) I am running out of room under my one light, fast. It's time to put up my third light up, even though I had really hoped that I could do this run w/o it. I'm really glade that I now have the option. I couldn't think of a better problem to have.
Even with last weeks light problems buds are starting to form everywhere!!!
I was in a hurry with those last pics so I just had to show off the girls while I was watering. They are getting so wide that it's getting hard to move around in there. Again I'm not complaining!!!
Thanks for stoping by.
Peace MBT
Thanks FT
I was starting to wonder when they would start to take off. Well over the past few days they have all blasted up 2-3" and some up to 4" !!!!
Holy Crap!!! I can't believe it.
Some of them had to put on 2" durring the dark cycle yesterday alone. If they keep this up I'm going to have to start pulling my tops down or something.
I've got almost another 24" of vertical grow space, but I still have at least six weeks to go, can anybody tell me if that is going to be enough???
If I really had to I could get another 6" up by modifying my hoods but I think that I would rather try to mess with the plants.
Thanks MBT
My second week of flower has got to be the best week of growth that I have seen so far in this grow. I have not had time to measure them but I know that they had to put on 6-8" of growth this week.:holysheep: :headbang2:
Those Fox Farm Nutes have been kicking them in the but :banana::yay:
I'm up to 1/3 strength on all but one of my plants w/o any problems on the five plants. I have been uping the strength by 1/8 ever other watering.
I had to put up my third light, there was just no way around it. I finnally fired it up yesteday:headbang2:
I can finnally :bongin: :bong1: and kick back a little. I finnaly have enough room under my lights to spread them out a little. I may try to mess with tying some stuff down to keep the lights on my lower shelf buds. That's right I have buds. :headbang2:
Sorry no pics this time :fid: I will have to wait, but I will post some at my next watering. Another day or so?
Yeah I found the smilies.

Peace MBT
I just spent the past couple of hours checking my plants for any signs of hermies, looking good so far.
The first pics should be of my lighting gear. The second pic is a flyer from Sunlight Supply of there line of Titan CO2 gear. If anybody is running this gear for CO2 controls, heaters or regulators I would like to know what they think of their gear. Is this stuff really worth the time and money?

Next pics should be of my six AMS WW plants at about 2-1/2 weeks into flower. They went nuts over the past week or so and put on 6-8"
There are a couple of pics in there someplace of my freebie that is a week behind the rest, still no sign of sex on this one. I probably should have yanked it but like I have said before it smells great, like a grapefruit. It has some crazy looking leafs with like 11-14 blades on them. It's starting to look kinda cool.

I tried to get pics of a few tops that have pushed up 6-8" past the cannopy. Now that I have more room to work with, I'm thinking of trying to pull a few tops down to match the height of the rest of them??? This would enable me to keep the lights about 6" closer to the rest of my plants. At the same time I'm a little afraid to mess with my main colas, I don't want to mess them up!

I'm beat, stoned and I rushed these pics a bit, lets see what I came up with?

Peace MBT
Except I would use a piece of 8 guage electrical wire and pipe cleaners.
Wird.... it won't load the pic???:confused2:
Maybe it's me time to get some rest.
:bong: :bong1: :bongin:
My Clones are almost all but dead!!!
Only two maybe three are still kicking, oh well.... I just ordered:
Auto Russian Rocket
From Dope Seeds.com/Short Stuff Seedbank
This should be fun!!!
This growing thing is addicting!!!
I started my first batch on 11/5 only one made it from the first batch. I started my second batch of four more on 11/21
I also started some really good bag seeds. I may end up giving all of these away depending on how my current grow turns out and that's if they make it? Practice Practice Practice.
She is my mother plant, the rest have all caught up to her in the past week, ten days. They all went nuts! They have very quickly filled the space under my two lights and my room.
I'm pretty sure that they are all over 40" and a few are over 43" They put on 10"-13" in the past wee to ten days. They seemed to have slowed down over the past day or so. They were putting on two plus inches a day there for several days in a row.
The other five of my WW plants have all caught up to my mother plant and one might have even passed her in width. These babies are now taking up some space!
As soon as I spread them out under a second light they exploaded.
Everthing seems to be doing great with the exception of low PH levels (5.8) on a couple of plants. I am going to start adding domolite lime at my next watering. I will be feeding them half strength FF nutes by next week, with the excetion of one plant that's still at 1/4 strenght. I'm at 3/8 strength w/o any problems on the other five other than the low PH thang.
What was I thinking??? I got really stoned.... started looking at seed reviews.....la de da...
The next thing I know I had ordered some Nirvana White Widow/ Northern Lights/ AK48
Peace and Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!

Thanks Mindzeye.
I now have 80 fricken pounds of the stuff. LOL
I don't think that I will need any for quite a while but when I do I will certainly just buy a little box of the stuff.
Thanks Again
Hope everbody has a Great Turky Day!!!!
My face is a bit light burned from ckecking for signs of balls on my buds. So far I have'nt found anything that has turned out to be male pods. I've had plenty that I thought might be.... but so far so as I can tell I'm still clean.

Oh Whats Up Hardcore? Not sure what "oerk up" means but thanks for the look see. I asume you mean let them dry out between waterings???

All of my girls are looking sexy tonight!!!!!

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