Droopy White Widow Cont.

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whoa turbo.:) those are some straight up nice ww's. i can see the difference in subs mix over mine easily in the lucious growth.:cool: ...Irish...
mikeybtoken said:
I think I will be trying to take my very first clone (ever) from her in the morning. I really hate to cut on any of them at all, but it must be done.
Peace Mike

Looking sweet!! I know the feeling, just get the razor blade, cloning horm., and alcohol and go to cloning. I used one of my indicas to LST, pinch, top, clone and just generally abuse....it's no worse for the wear.

Can't wait until you get yours into flower, as you said, we should be harvesting at just about the same time. green mojo
Hi All
I've been working my but off on my flower room, I had to make some major changes to my ducting and add a heater to get my temps and humidity the same in both spaces while keeping one room completely dark. What a pain in the but!!!
I had planned on having it all done by yesterday so that I could take my clones and move my girls into their new home. I have two more XXXL8"SunMagnum Hoods with 1000W Hortilux HPS bulbs ready to go, but I only have one hung for now. I'm hoping that I can get away with using just the one in my bud room to grow out this batch. They are taking up more space by the day so I will have to just wait and see how it goes.
Time to go back to work, I will try to post some pics later.
can't wait to see pics of the updated room Mike.:cool: ...

that is by far the best strain of mj i have ever smoked buddy. your gonna be a very happy man come harvest.:hubba: ...

watch those temps man. and the ph closely...Irish...
WOW..... That was alot more work than I expected. Not alot of room to be working around my babies.
OK.....so lets see the pics already. Lets see what I come up with???
Thanks Irish....... I'm hoping that all this hard work will pay off.
I've got two freebies u/k strain from AMS that are just crazy looking, above pics 1,5,6 are all the same crazy looking plant. The other is in the front middle of pic 2, again in pic 4 along with my mondo WW.
Above pics
On to the next batch, wow it let me load 12 lets see if the will post???
The fan leaves on those u/k plants are huge, about twice the size of my hand. My girls before I moved them, my girls while I'm moving them, and MY NEW Second Chamber, again the above pics.
I should have waited to take that last bong load until I was done. the below pics should be of my venting system, which was a real pain in the but. Alot of trial and error to get my temps and humidity right.
But I think that I have got it pretty darn close. Even my clones are at 85deg 90rh Both chambers are now finally at 72-75 at the pots and 76-79 at the tops of my plants. I can't believe I actually did it. All I have left is to seal off a couple of minor light leaks. I haven't slept more than 4-5 hours at a time for about the past week. I've had to check temps every few hours to keep from freezing them, or burning them. I'm really glad that's over with!!!
I'm ready for another couple bong loads and some rest.
Later Mikeybrestin.
sahweeeet mikey b. looks like you need some bungee cords to hold up your vent tube.;) ...

man, i hate to be bringing bad news, but i gotta tell ya. in post #25, pic 1, 5, and 6 sure does look like a case of spider mites.:eek: ... did you bring that plant in from outdoors?, or did you get it from someone else? you better get to scoping it bro, quickly...

besides this issue, it's all kick'in serious booootayy.:D :cool: ...Irish...
Not trying to hijack the thread, but Irish, tell me what you see that indicates spidermites. I need to know what to look for.

Hi Irish
Not to worry, I started spraying bug spray while I was building the room. Then I bombed the crap out it at each phase of construction from the point that it was sealed in. I try to keep it spotless as well, sweeping at each watering. I've seen a total of two ants and one fly since I starting them all from seed. Trust me I spend enough time looking at them that I had my clones numbered two weeks ago.
The plant that you are looking at is my Little Frankenstein/#11 from AMS. It's got to be the ugliest looking plant I have ever seen. I keep wanting to kill it but it smell great. It's extremely healthy other than the really strange leaf formations? It's like and ugly dog with a good attitude, hard to get rid of.
Once my clones start filling my veg room I will likely get rid of it. The darn thing smells divine though, it smells like a cross between a ruby red grapefruit and hash oil.
Thanks for looking and for the heads Up.
Peace Mike
Where to begin.....clones, I took my very first clones three days ago, I have them under my MH light in a clone box in rockwool cubes, watering with 5.5 ph water, shooting for 85deg 85rh staying pretty close to that.
They are doing OK showing new growth but are still a little wilted looking???
The one second over from the top right does not look like it's going to make it.
I tried some Fox Farm Big Bloom on one plant at less than a 1/4 strength and it burned the tips. I flushed it and will refrain from using it for awhile.
I've been trying to tuck a few of the bigger leaves around to let some light into my plants. They are so darn bushy that I have even considered taking some leafs off. I know...I know many here say that this is a big no no...don't worry I have yet to take even a single leaf, other than off of the clones.
I have considered adding some CFL's to my flower room to try to get some light down into them.
Not sure yet what to do to get light into the center of my plants. It seems that a potential draw back to MH light is that it keeps them almost too bushy. But I'm guessing at best.
Tell me what you think???
Peace Thanks MBT

I can finnally get really stoned now:D
Top two left pics are the burned tip plant. The rest are showing the dark spots under my canopy. The last pic is a little bit different looking plant, looks like they may have mixed an U/K into my WW seed pack???
It has smaller leafs and is much smaller than the rest.
Time will tell. Time will tell.
Eveything seems to be working out pretty well. I'm still having to adjust my PH up on a few plants to try to keep them between 6.2 - 6.5
My temps are pretty stable 73-80, to keep the floor temp at 73ish the tops of the plants can get up to 80ish but I try to stay beween those #'s
I have had an on going problem with keeping the light leaks from my veg room. Especailly through my home made room to room air vent (seen in top right of pics 2,3,5) I have added a few layers of a dark screen to the other side to keep the light from leaking from room to room. I need that air flow from room to room to keep my temps stable but I wish I could find some way to let the air through while keeping more light out.
Any thoughts ideas or suggestions are always greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the look see.
Latter MBT
mikeybtoken said:
I tried some Fox Farm Big Bloom on one plant at less than a 1/4 strength and it burned the tips. I flushed it and will refrain from using it for awhile.

Hey MBT, did you use the mixture on the bottle or off foxfarm feeding sch. pdf? The reason I ask is the bottom says 4 TBS per gallon every feeding, but the pdf says 2 TBS per gallon every other watering. Big Bloom is simply a supplement .01-.3-.7 I first into'd nutes to my white widows using Big Bloom. I then transitioned into Grow Big in order to get them some N before flowering. I finally got the nutes up to 50% Big Grow, 100% Big Bloom two weeks into flowering with no ill effects. At two weeks into flower I switched over to Tiger Bloom.

Keep it up fellow ww farmer, looking good.
mikeybtoken said:
I tried some Fox Farm Big Bloom on one plant at less than a 1/4 strength and it burned the tips. I flushed it and will refrain from using it for awhile.
I've been trying to tuck a few of the bigger leaves around to let some light into my plants. They are so darn bushy that I have even considered taking some leafs off. I know...I know many here say that this is a big no no...don't worry I have yet to take even a single leaf, other than off of the clones.
I have considered adding some CFL's to my flower room to try to get some light down into them.
Not sure yet what to do to get light into the center of my plants. It seems that a potential draw back to MH light is that it keeps them almost too bushy. But I'm guessing at best.
Tell me what you think???
Peace Thanks MBT

My 3 Snow Whites look identical to yours, buddy. My BRAVA is very sensitive to nutes tho :eek: (@ least to full recommended strength FFBB) Keeper up, lookin aces!
Thanks FT
Yes I read the PDF's at FF but I have alot of stuff in my dirt already so I'm not at all surprised that even at less than a quarter strength it started to do minor damage. I will try at again at 1/8 strength (1/4 table spoon per gal) in a week or so.
In Subcools thread on his soil mix he says that he doesn't add anything at all unless he has too, and that's all the way to the end. So my plants may not be able to handle any fluid nutes. But I figure that I will just keep doing little test to see. As you can see it did not hurt the plant, it seemed to really like the stuff, it was just a tad too much for it.

Thanks 7G
I can't wait to see your pics. What strain is a Brava? I have not heard of this one?
I'm very curious to see how those Snow Whites turn out. Aren't they WW crossed with an some sort of auto?
I just got a good laugh at myself..... Before asking silly questions around here I have learned to go back and read threw the journals, when I did I found out what your Brava Strain is. LOL
Another thing that I'm trying to learn is wait to get too stoned before or while I'm posting.......sometimes?........I think it helps me to make more sense if I save my second or third bong until after I'm done.
Ahh.......... what the hell..........just a little one!!!
That was just not quite big enough......maybe another just a tad bigger.
Thanks for the look see....
Ohhhhh my clones I can't believe it they look much better today....all but one. I think that they are going to make it????? I can't frickin believe it....my very first clones, ever!!!!!!
Two of them are clones taken from a clone. When I was trimming the stems I had two little branches that I threw into the trash pile, I thought that they were to small to try to clone, less than 2'"
I figured what the heck why not try. THEY MADE IT!!! So far...it's day four, and they finally all look much better, except the one. SWEET!

Off to do some journal jumping.......

Peace MBT
@ least I hope not, they weren't advertized as such. I had 4 Nirvana Snow Whites, labeled them ALPHA, BRAVA, CANNA, and DELTA. CANNA went wonky and got culled from the group. Snow White is an Afghani-Widow hybrid that has been turned to a feminized line. Sorry for the strain name confusion, BRAVA is just a name, I'm utilizing distinct names to codeify each indvidual plant for future cloning purposes.

Wishing you much Peace and Nugz,

7greeneyes :D
nice looking plants, mikey!

just a little tip on your ducting.... if you can get those 2 sections in the first pic from sagging, either tape or bracket to straighten it out, you'll get more efficient airflow.... be it for intake or exhaust, it'll help.... the fewer bends you can keep in the ducting the more freely the air will flow.... more bends create more resistance in the air flow....
Good Morning M.P.
I have never been much of a computer dude, but I'll tell you what I'm certainly using the darn thing lately.
Give me a marijuana grow card and bunch of grower/stoners and I am in the zone. I hate to sound like a broken record here but .......I just love this place and you people ROCK!!!

What's up FleshS welcome....thanks for the look see. Ducting .....ducting ......ducting.... what a royal pain in the but that has been. Thanks for the heads up FS and I'm with ya......... I have to do some more remodeling on my ducting. That section is temped in, until I get my next light up. Once that is done and it is working properly I will eventually run as much of it as I can in tin with a couple of dampers to adjust the air flow between my rooms. One thing that I have learned is to try leave it as adjustable as possible until I get it j u s t r i g h t ! I've got some hurdles to go. Next summer will the final test. Anyway thanks for the advice, and you are oh so right I need to do something about that it is an easy fix. That pic is showing my air intake, which has moved three times now.
Thanks Again FS

Hi 7G
I'm still laughing at my self about that Brava Strain what a doofus.......LOL

My clones.........oh my poor clones......Today they don't look as well, I really need to get another light for cloning. It's costing me a fortune to run my MH light to clone and it does not seem to work really well. I know that there is a better way, either florescents or those CFL's that Firsttimecaller used for his WW veg.

Time Out!!!

Lets ALL just get really stoned and think about this shall we ...........................
oh come on you know you want to ......................................................
that's better ......closer...................one more.....................................................
Lets hear those bongs, pipes and joints.
OK anybody that did not get stoned enough really should start over.

Thanks for stopping by......peace......MBT
for your clones, t-5's work beautifully for clones/vegging and aren't too expensive.... if you're on a budget you set up a light bar with some low wattage cfls....

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