Well-Known Member
I agree with part of your assessment. However consider that calmag has only been in the market for 22 years.Both of my grandfathers were county and state fair champs with there tomatoes. And they swore by calmag just for their tomatoes. Nothing else got calmag. And the tomato grows were separated from there other veggies and ornamental grows. One was a cotton farmer most of his life and owned a gin. The other was raised on a farm and left to make his mark in the industrial world. But in retirement they took gardening very serious. But in recent years I've seen a major explosion of calmag use. Most seem to blame the calmag use on LED lighting. But I can't find the correlation between the two. And I'm never said there is not a use for it. But it seems to be the goto problem solver now days. The commercial growers here just drown there plants with the stuff. Walk into a weed shop and all you smell is calmag. It's awful! My gut is telling me the breeders have all but ruined weed and it's becoming more problematic to grow. Seems like the more they mess with it the worse it gets as a plant.
As for the LED’s I believe they are totally correct to blame the new lights for calmag deficiency. I just never brought it up because I don’t like conflict. The lights and todays genetics produce bigger buds with more trichomes which requires more calcium and magnesium. Calmag is quick like a liquid candy bar for your plants and is the modern goto.
And that’s why I use TWO pounds of fast acting lime instead of the one pound the Earthbox directions call for. With just one pound there isn’t enough for the total grow using today’s genetics.
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