donald and mj

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I don't know what is worse.
Someone that lies to you all the time.
Or those that only lie half the time.
Right Hammy all 10 million of us are stupid dreamers,,,just the Bernie Supporters are smart ppl.
Anytime we get involved in Elections,,we are all dreaming of a better future Little Brother,,whos to say your guy would do anything he said he would,,,oh yeah,,,his Supporters. You picked your guy,,i picked mine,,that doesnt make me stupid because his name wasnt Bernie. Bernie is going to a contested convention because he is running against a crook. Trump is not because he was running against idiots. In the General, ,,he will win because Hillarys crap is about to catch up to her,,and bury her.
You guys can say whatever ya want. Trump will be the next President. If he does absolutely nothing,,he will accomplished exactly what Obama did,,nothing,,minus a screwed up Healthcare system. Which will be a plus. Lol
My mom and stepdad are huge republicans and always donate to their chosen candidates. They voted for Rubio in the primary. They said they will back Trump now. Not sure if it matters here, but they are quite wealthy and successful. I'm tired of the stereo typing of his supporters.

That article mentioned Hillary as being one of the honest ones, hahaha.
Thay may be voting for Rubio anyway, ,,because he just may be on the ticket as VP.
For those Berners who need a pick me up. Don't believe the Lame Stream Media Hype. There is a legitimate and obtainable path for Bernie Sanders to get the nomination.
This is short and to the point. >
Rubio just said he wouldn't support trump. Smart man.

Cool,,,i cant stand that guy. Havent been watching the news today,,,but as far as im concerned that is very good news.
Rubio is an asshat who would fight Legalization of Marijuana,,,and anything else his God whispered in his ear.
Yep,,and they seem to be working pretty good so far. Good to see he believes in himself. Positive thinking.
Hammy you could be a standup comedian. Yehaaaaaaaaa
8 years? I would take 4 followed by 8 years of Elizabeth Warren.
Where do you guys get this crap. Lol
Ruthless ya be.
President ,,,,,Donald Trump will be.
Yehaaaaaaaaa, ,,
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