donald and mj

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have learned alot on this thread. would love if the bern coulda won. not lookn good. but i DO NOT AGREE with the antiscience republican views. NEVER WILL. also donald is so wrong on so many things (never trump). and yes a mirror is his only god. read a great article re income inequality. it showed graphs depicting how nicely home individual ownership had grown year after year since the great depression. the growing strength of the blue collar worker. showed when the charts began reversing course, heading down instead of up with the election of reagan. said tax cuts, loopholes for the rich were also incorperated by clinton and then more by bush. now its at the breaking point and the anger from the lower and middle class are showing. gonna be exciting if u do not get too caught up in it.
Obama last night.


Rasmussen Reports

Trump 41%, Clinton 39%

Looks like an orange jumpsuit may be in her future........... they'll throw her under the bus if she can't win.

More Trump votes gain with every protest......... peeps be tired of the PC **.

Your kool aid news stations aren't showing the truth anymore......... the truth hurts to bad.........


Watch this if you dare to see the truth.......

Bunch of Illegals and morons,,, talking trash to a asshat who had no business walking thru that crowd. He got what he asked for from a bunch of thugs.
trump cant win when so many minorities, women and a good part of his own base despise him so much. And for too many good reasons. he does have kkk, red-necks and many lower uneducates locked up. not good enough. much more violence coming though. popcorn ready..
trump cant win when so many minorities, women and a good part of his own base despise him so much. And for too many good reasons. he does have kkk, red-necks and many lower uneducates locked up. not good enough. much more violence coming though. popcorn ready..

Todays poll

Rasmussen Reports

Trump 41%, Clinton 39%
Trump will beat Hillary. Wait till he starts ripping into Her lying ace.
I don't quite understand why people say Trump can't win. He's the front runner, Cruz isn't even close to catching him. With all the supporters he has, of course he's capable of winning.

I wish Sanders was doing better.
He has 10 million ppl that think so to date,,,and many more coming. Hell even i like Sanders ,,,and so does Trump. The only ppl that dont like Sanders is Crooked Hillary and her supporters. Sanders got his asss kicked by a lier and a crook. He is getting the same treetment from the Washington Elite,,, that Trump is.
Only difference is ,,, Trump is going to
We need Sanders to come to the Dark Side. As VP,,,,:smoke1:
I feel the Burn......Burn Baby Burn...:48:
So, who's going to win Indiana? I'm betting on more votes for the front runners.
if the election were held today both sanders(more so) and clinton would win in a land slide. the voters are mad as hell and many want a non-traditional candidate. trump now has WAY too many haters to win in the general. things could change but would bet against it. its hers to loose.
My boy Trump is going to be the next President of the USA. He will beat Hillary.

I like Bernie though.
By the way Bernie is only a few points from winning Indiana. Yehaaaaaaaaa
I would smoke with Bernie.

Oh crap,,Bernie JUST PULLED AHEAD OF HILLARY. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Keep it up Bernie!

Trump won tonight. No surprise. He has a lot of support. People like him.
I hope so,,cause we gotta deal with him for the next 4 yrs. Lol
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