donald and mj

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I admire the Donald !--- He used his real world experience in business in politics !--He has a knack for the hostile business takeover !---He saw a broken Republican party and did a hostile takeover ! --- Don't know what the future holds but what was the Republican party is finished !--- Who am I to say he won't win though ?--Once the village idiot was even elected to high office !--- Stranger things have happened !-- If this was a job application the Donald probably wouldn't even get an interview ! --- Did they ever decide if it was gonna be O.K. for the delegates to bring guns to the RNC convention ? -- That seems like an important issue to me !
The Hulk thing is funny. Kinda reminds me of trump knocking out the other 16 republicans who wanted the position. ;)
Keef,,,,Pretty much Everybody carries a gun in Texas,,,everywhere,,,so what? Hell they even have teachers carrying guns. Lol
So some morons shoot each other at the convention,,who cares. :rofl:
Hostile takeover,,,,no the ppl took the party back,,it was already screwed up way before the Donald joined.
I am a Democrat voting for a Republican because i Hate Hillarys guts,,,and Bernie just aint my cup of tea,,besides if Bernie could win,,, the Republican run House and Senate wouldn't let that old man do ****,,no more then they let Obamas Lame *** do anything. The only thing he did was screw up the Healthcare System even more then it already was.
The Hulk thing is funny. Kinda reminds me of trump knocking out the other 16 republicans who wanted the position. ;)

Good one SM,,,that he did. Took their asses right out of the arena. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Now he is going to take Hillary for a ride and drop her butt off at one of her and Bills speaking engagements . :rofl:
Weedhopper, those who had NO health insurance before the Affordable Care Act would argue with you that Obama screwed up healthcare...
Weedhopper, those who had NO health insurance before the Affordable Care Act would argue with you that Obama screwed up healthcare...

Higher deductibles higher premiums and still the same number of uninsured......... lower standard of care....... also the largest coverage provider is shutting the doors........ the 3rd leading cause of death now is medical error........... all this equals failure THG.
I had no Health care coverage ,,, cant afford it now eather THG,,,so it didnt help the average blue collar worker at all.
It helped those with pre conditions,and im glad for them,,,but everybody else got Screwed.
The Hulk thing is funny. Kinda reminds me of trump knocking out the other 16 republicans who wanted the position. ;)

Yeah that wasn't a hard thing to do and says more about the sad state the GOP is in than anything else.
I am now on medicare. I have already hit the donut hole. My medication will be soooo expensive now I can't afford to keep taking it. Obamacare is going to KILL ME. The co-pays are so high I shy away from going to the Specialist Dr's. Thanks a lot Obama.
I have never been so ashamed of my Country ,,,says the ppl that dont like Trump,,,go figure. Lol
So they were not ashamed of Bill Clintons crap in office,,,or JFK,s womanizing crap,,Nixons dumb ace,,,and many other Presidents stupid crap while in office,,,but they are ashamed of Trump.. thats funny and stupid.
I am now on medicare. I have already hit the donut hole. My medication will be soooo expensive now I can't afford to keep taking it. Obamacare is going to KILL ME. The co-pays are so high I shy away from going to the Specialist Dr's. Thanks a lot Obama.

I am now on medicare. I have already hit the donut hole. My medication will be soooo expensive now I can't afford to keep taking it. Obamacare is going to KILL ME. The co-pays are so high I shy away from going to the Specialist Dr's. Thanks a lot Obama.

Yep. We used to have great insurance. Not anymore. We've had to go without meds and skip dr appts because we didn't have the funds at the time.
Yep. We used to have great insurance. Not anymore. We've had to go without meds and skip dr appts because we didn't have the funds at the time.

You know SM, If we were illegal aliens we would be getting our meds free, and I worked hard all my life to pay for it...... I'm tired of being hosed. TRUMP will fix it for the hard working American's. You know, Make America Great Again. American's 1st for a change.
8 years of the Senate not doing it's job and it Obama's fault !--- Jesus Christ couldn't have gotten anything done in the last 8 years if he had been president !--- Healthcare is broken!--Been broken long before Obama!-- I spent 20 years working in hospitals !-- The wife still does !--- How's the Donald gonna fix that ?---He's gonna create a deportation force ?-- modeled after Hitler SS ?--
In order for government to function as designed requires the president and Congress to work together !--Last 8 years the Republican party has all but shut the government process down !-- Are U guys really proud of that !-- All this stuff about lying Hilary ? -- Has she been charged with any crime ? ---The thing about the e-mail server and Benegazi-- is that all they got ?-- Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to decide who to vote for I'm trying to decide who to vote against !-- Promise me things I know U can't deliver on (like a wall or that U gonna deport 11 million people )--and Yup I do smell a liar !
8 years of the Senate not doing it's job and it Obama's fault !--- Jesus Christ couldn't have gotten anything done in the last 8 years if he had been president !--- Healthcare is broken!--Been broken long before Obama!-- I spent 20 years working in hospitals !-- The wife still does !--- How's the Donald gonna fix that ?---He's gonna create a deportation force ?-- modeled after Hitler SS ?--
In order for government to function as designed requires the president and Congress to work together !--Last 8 years the Republican party has all but shut the government process down !-- Are U guys really proud of that !-- All this stuff about lying Hilary ? -- Has she been charged with any crime ? ---The thing about the e-mail server and Benegazi-- is that all they got ?-- Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to decide who to vote for I'm trying to decide who to vote against !-- Promise me things I know U can't deliver on (like a wall or that U gonna deport 11 million people )--and Yup I do smell a liar !

I agree with almost all of this except for the Hillary part. She and her husband are corrupt and the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a slush fund for money for favors. I voted for Obama twice even though he is nowhere Liberal or Progressive enough in my opinion. He still was a better choice than the Republicans had to offer and $Hillary. The level of Obstructionism in Congress is downright Treasonous.
If ya read my post you will see that i agree about the do nothing Congress, ,,nor do i blame Obama for their nonsense. But Obama did screw up the Healthcare System even more then it was. Donald cant fix all their crap overnight. He may not do ****,,,but ill take my chances with him,,just as i did with Obama. I believed Obama but it didnt work out so good because of the Republican ran House and Senate. Now im taking my chances with the Donald,,,cant be any worse that that lying *** Hillary or anothef 4 yrs of nothing happening in Congress because they were pissed off from loosing to Bernie.
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