donald and mj

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We the ppl need jobs. Lol
Keef,,,You dont think a plumber could Clean things up? Get it :rofl:
Obama is doing a great job of turning Democrats to Republicans. Trying to force Schools to deal with this Transgender crap. Lots of ppl and States are not happy. Keep it up my Brother. Just what we need,,,schools spending money on Special Bathrooms instead of Teachers.
I catch some Moron dressed like a Women trying to go into a Bathroom im waiting on my Wife or Granddaughter to come out of,,,im going to beat somebodys ***.
U are wrong again Hopper !-- We The People --need to be allowed to smoke and grow weed legally !--The jobs will follow !---
U are wrong again Hopper !-- We The People --need to be allowed to smoke and grow weed legally !--The jobs will follow !---

So you dont like Plumbers. :rofl:
Plumbers ? --It's not plumbers in general Hopper -- I just don't like work !-- The best country in the world and our #1 cash crop is not being taxed !---How do we even pay the bills !
Yeah i know,,,my buddie Donald will hook you up with a lab,,i talked to him a few minutes ago. :smoke1:
About that bathroom thing Hopper ? --I got your back !-- Unless U beat the Sh** out of some big ugly woman --- Then I don't even know U !
Hey,,those big ugly women scare the crap outta Weedhopper. Yehaaaaaaaaaa
By the way,,,God told me Hillary was gonna pick Bernie for her Running Mate. Ive seen the light,,,,or something, ,, Lol
Yo Hopper I think it would make for a better race if Bernie broke away and ran as an independent !-- Your boy might have a chance if that happens !
Hell Bernie already thinks he is an Independent. He has done everything but cut Hillarys throat,,,for my boy Trump. Trumps just setting back and feeling the Bern. Lol
Trump is KARMA for electing a community organizer TWICE.
Because Hammy is bored? Because Hammy likes orange frosted cup cakes? By the way,,they were making fun of Obama too,,and it didnt work.
Now thier digging up his old Girlfriends from 25yrs ago,,,NOBODY GIVES A ****,if they did Bill Clinton, JFK,,and many others would not have been elected. Washington Post ,,might as well be named the Hillary Post. Funny as hell.
put a black mustache on it. It could be 1932. they were saying the SAME things about Reagan
Bozzo I disagree !---Look at the WW2 pics of Mussalini giving speeches and U can see the same over exaggerated gestures and facial expressions !
looking like a 4 way race Trump, Hillary ,Bernie, and Romney. Now there's an election. But I'm still predicting that Uncle Joe Biden will be inserted after the convention. Hillary gets indicted, cops a plea and gets pardoned . Go uncle Joe
Well I popped in to see whats so interesting. I'm ashamed, violence? Look if your in the bathroom and you are checking to see what genitals I have your in the wrong, *** are you thinking.

What if I need to take my grandfather to the restroom, or a special needs child. You have no way to judge who is what unless your looking at genitals...and if your doing that your sick. I expected to come into a adult discussion where the issues were being discussed rather than a hate thread....this disgusts me. I won't ever come back to this type of intolerance again so no need to reply, and stop trying to look at everyone's genitals!! I have three transgender friends myself and as long as I have watched this forum I have never encountered this level of hate. I don't belong here anymore I will not stand for this type of hate or intolorance.
There are family restrooms for ppl with Children. Keep men dressed in drag out of womens restrooms. Dont care what your tolerance is for such bullshit. And dont talk crap and expect me to not say something. If you have a pair of balls and a Penis,,take your *** to the mens Restroom.
This has nothing to do with your elderly Grandfather or Special needs children. Has to do with men dressed like women that have a Penis.
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