How's the kool-aid boys?
G13 -- U one of them dam aliens I just know it !-- He's trying to have mind sex with ya'll right now !-- Put on a tin foil hat before reading his post !-- It'll block those mind f*** waves he's trying to use !-- I hear the Donald is the head alien ---I believe it too !-- I mean look at the man's hair ? -- That's a dead give away everytime !
G13.....How do you go the bathroom in that?
He fits the psychological profile to a T....
Hopper quit lying to these people I saw U on T.V. at that Bernie rally !---He had a sign and everything ya'll !
View attachment 13094185_269812296699969_7475948992987010703_n.jpghopper quit lying to these people i saw u on t.v. At that bernie rally !---he had a sign and everything ya'll !
Yeah,,,none of the rest of those asshats are cons. :rofl:
I mean seriously guys,,,you really havent studied your other 43 Presidents? Funny as hell. Those othef 43 were saints were they. Yall are killing me. Hey,,, Google past Racist, ,Bigoted, ,****** Presidents. Lol
If you understand how the electoral college works, then you understand it has nothing to do with the popular vote.