donald and mj

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No Hopper !--Lyrics from a Rage Against the Machine song !

Whatever happens We'll adapt and this too shall pass !-- Although it almost financially ruined us as a nation we survived the Bush Wars !--Remember the mess Obama inherited ? --Neither Hilary or Trump will ruin us as a nation !---Chances are one party will win the presidential race and the other party will control the Senate or the House of Representatives ---and nothing will be done for another 4 years ! --
Smashing Pumpkins also use that phrase.

Has anyone heard the phone call with Donald's publicist 20 yrs ago? Lololol.
I stand corrected SM !--- I kept trying to make it fit into -- "Bulls on Parade -- "--- Gather round the family , with a pocket full of shells !
I figure that just like in the days of J.Eager Hoover there's probably a shadow government make all the real decisions !--- Probably them dam space aliens !---Bastids !--- U know the commander of the mother ship had been away awhile and returned for a report !-- When he asked what has been happening down there ? --- Second in command said ---Last month they were stuffing bread up a turkey's a** and this month they lobotomizing pumpkins !---These people are nuts !
i figure that just like in the days of j.eager hoover there's probably a shadow government make all the real decisions !--- probably them dam space aliens !---bastids !--- u know the commander of the mother ship had been away awhile and returned for a report !-- when he asked what has been happening down there ? --- second in command said ---last month they were stuffing bread up a turkey's a** and this month they lobotomizing pumpkins !---these people are nuts !

View attachment daily_picdump_313_41-vi.jpg
“Here’s Hillary Clinton campaigning in favor of women, while the foundation that she and Bill own pays men 38% more than women.”
G13 -- U one of them dam aliens I just know it !-- He's trying to have mind sex with ya'll right now !-- Put on a tin foil hat before reading his post !-- It'll block those mind f*** waves he's trying to use !-- I hear the Donald is the head alien ---I believe it too !-- I mean look at the man's hair ? -- That's a dead give away everytime !
I see Donnie is trolling Elizabeth Warren tweet account. What do we do with trolls around here...ban 'em. Troll is exactly what the douche bag from Queens is.

He is not even a good Troll. Like most other things the Orange Buffoon seems to get a pass when it comes to Facts and his disgusting bigoted rhetoric. People are willing to over look it and say he will some how make America Great Again. When in fact he is nothing but a big talking, vague on substance, bigoted jerk-off, who is not really that successful. He inherited money, went bankrupt numerous times, and doesn't actually build much. What he does is license his name to whatever he thinks might make him money. He has the moral backbone of a chocolate eclaire. The scariest thing about him is he has ZERO understanding of so many things an actual Presidential Candidate should be able to grasp that he is in fact Dangerous. The guy makes fun of Handicapped People for Christ's sake. Yet people still push it a side and say whatever makes them comfortable with supporting such a piece of crap.
I am with Rose.

Sad fact is he would not even have a remote chance of even getting the nomination, let alone Presidency, if the System wasn't so corrupt and broken to begin with. Meanwhile the Guy actually fighting for the Middle Class and Working Poor is labeled a crazy Socialist who can't win.

If you are Angry with a Broken, Corrupt System. You don't elect the bigoted rich guy who pays off, aka donates to, the Very Corrupt Politicians that are part of said System.
I see Donnie is trolling Elizabeth Warren tweet account. What do we do with trolls around here...ban 'em. Troll is exactly what the douche bag from Queens is.

is it trolling when you use your real name and not an anonymous screen name?

I believe if you put it out there on twitter it's fair game....... or are the rules different for peeps you don't agree with....... or is it her deep Native American roots that exclude her from being hit on twitter. lmao

Elizabeth Warren is a "Loony".
Dont worry God will get him,,soon as he is done with his round of golf,,,,:rofl:
Yeah Donald is the only Troll in The Election. You guys kill me. Im guessing this is the 1st Election you ever paid attention too? Did you vote for Obama? Do you remember where he went to church for 20yrs? Talk about racist. Give me a freaking break. Promised the moon and stars,,and gave you higher premiums. Go Black Lives Matter,,says your President.
Dont matter anyway,,, The orange hair guy,,will win,,or you can always hope Hillary wins,,that way she protect us like she did those in Benghazi.
Hamster,,,you need to get in the life raft,,,The Bernie ship is
Rose that was funny,,,Orange/Donald is the new Black/Obama. Yehaaaaaaaaa
What up Umbra,,,:smoke1:
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