donald and mj

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Thats disgusting, ,,you bad bad women. Lol
Bernie has it going on,,,right,,nasty Women.
I'm true to this........ like me or not.......this is what I believe.

Some libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and strong private property rights,[3] such as in land, infrastructure, and natural resources. Others, notably libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of their common or cooperative ownership and management.

so like socialism, the definition is skewed.
which would you be g13? the former or latter?

must say; i'm not fond of natural resources being (further) monopolized by the wealthy.
i like the hands off approach, but i'm also not a fan of the unrule that would come out of an even greater divide between the richest and the poorest.
I dont even know what the hell i am,,,except a Comercial Contractor that needs Contracts. Lol
I am backing whom I THINK will help my business the most. That would be Trump. WILL HE? I dont have a fking clue,,but those other Asshats im pretty damn sure wont do crap except be Politicians and support thier Special Interest Groups like they always do. Is Trump an assssss,,,yes he is,,,does he give a crap about me,,,hell no. So what, ,,Hillarys lying butt could give a crap,,Bernie is full of it,,and Cruz is the biggest Moron of them all.

so like socialism, the definition is skewed.
which would you be g13? the former or latter?

must say; i'm not fond of natural resources being (further) monopolized by the wealthy.
i like the hands off approach, but i'm also not a fan of the unrule that would come out of an even greater divide between the richest and the poorest.

I believe the answer is some where between those 2 extremes........ I'm certainly not for the hording of resources by the wealthy....... also believe ownership of resources here by foreign peeps and govts should be limited ........ the power of govt belongs at the state, county and local govt levels........ easier for the peeps to control and correct problems with govt as they arise....... and we don't end up with a monster like we have now...... the monster demands to be feed and it don't give a damn who or what it eats.
I'm beginning to think we are going to end up with a president this election, no matter who wins, that 60% of the public hates......... and the media loves it..... no matter what their biases are.
I'm beginning to think we are going to end up with a president this election, no matter who wins, that 60% of the public hates......... and the media loves it..... no matter what their biases are.

You're just now noticing? It's really scary to think about, isn't it? :rant:
You're just now noticing? It's really scary to think about, isn't it? :rant:

I was thinking the Bernie's might join the Hillary's and/or the Republican's might join Trump......... giving a majority........ but..... long way from happening right now it seems.
Im a Democrat voting for Trump,,,so if he becomes President, ,,thats cool with me,,,,or the Republicans can destroy thier asshat party,,,thats also cool with me too. Im sick of them standing in the way of progress, ,so Eather way its going to be very interesting. Hell i never thought Obama would live thru his 1st term,,,lol,,,just goes to show you,,things have changed...But ya just never know,,,,,,,
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