donald and mj

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I'm pretty sure if she is getting SSI on her own employment record now she will be able to switch to draw on yours when you retire.......
Well cool,,so when i retire (not in the cards for me anytime soon ) my Wife SS check will go up some? Sure hope your right Bro cause we will need it,,,cause we are far from well off.
q: can a retiree choose which benefit to receive—his or her own benefit or his or her spouse’s? A: No. If your spouse has already applied for retirement benefits, you cannot apply for a reduced spousal benefit at age 62 and then step up to an increased benefit based on your own record at FRA. There are two limited exceptions, however. If you haven’t received any benefits before reaching your FRA, you can then apply for spousal benefits and delay applying for benefits under your own record up to age 70. This will allow you to take advantage of the delayed retirement credit, which increases your benefit by a certain percentage if you delay your retirement beyond your FRA. Another exception applies if you apply for benefits before your spouse. In that case, you can start to receive benefits based on your work and elect to add a spousal benefit when eligible. Remember that your combined benefit will be reduced based on your age at application. Here is an example to illustrate the point. Jane qualifies for her own benefit at age 62, when her PIA is $800. Because she is 48 months under her FRA, her benefit is reduced to $640. Two years later, when her husband Jack retires, Jane qualifies for a spousal benefit of $900 at her FRA, based on Jack’s PIA of $1,800. She has the option to wait to apply for a spousal benefit at her FRA, but she decides to apply for her increased benefit at age 64. The SSA will first subtract her PIA from one-half of Jack’s PIA ($900–$800). It will then reduce her spousal benefit of $100 to $91 based on her current age of 64. Her new combined benefit is $731 ($640 + 91).
So 13, I have epilepsy. I do not collect disability, as a matter of FACT, I am a research scientist. But there are people who do have epilepsy had who do collect disability and do you know what the difference is? I do, and so do doctors, whether you do or not, I couldn't care.

I only posted disability information to show WH that paying into SSI is not a requirement to draw SSI/disability.....
Okay,,,my Wife retired at 62,doesnt get much,,but when i retire she should be at FRA and then she might get an increase based on my SS. Well cool,,, i aint retiring anytime soon,,but thats good to know.
Thanks for researching G13.
Good to know i am now a socialist. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Okay,,,my Wife retired at 62,doesnt get much,,but when i retire she should be at FRA and then she might get an increase based on my SS. Well cool,,, i aint retiring anytime soon,,but thats good to know.
Thanks for researching G13.

She will be reduced on her draw on your income because she retired at 62........ she will receive hers as is and receive another check based on her eligibility to draw additional benefits under your work record/income..... as I understand it........ but I see no way for the govt to continue to pay it's obligations..... without massive cuts in spending........
In Hale County, Alabama, nearly 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.[2] On the day government checks come in every month, banks stay open late, Main Street fills up with cars, and anybody looking to unload an old TV or armchair has a yard sale.

Sonny Ryan, a retired judge in town, didn't hear disability cases in his courtroom. But the subject came up often. He described one exchange he had with a man who was on disability but looked healthy.

"Just out of curiosity, what is your disability?" the judge asked from the bench.
"I have high blood pressure," the man said.
"So do I," the judge said. "What else?"
"I have diabetes."
"So do I."

There's no diagnosis called disability. You don't go to the doctor and the doctor says, "We've run the tests and it looks like you have disability." It's squishy enough that you can end up with one person with high blood pressure who is labeled disabled and another who is not.
I think you said a great deal more than just SSI information to WH, and you are full of it!
I heard its real hard to get Disability, ,,but i dont know.
I think you said a great deal more than just SSI information to WH, and you are full of it!

Sorry I don't like dependency on federal govt......... never will...... full of what Umbra?........
It must be state by state? as that is not the rules here. When mr rb dies I will get his ss check. until then i have mine and he has his, at his death i will not get my own but will get his.
It must be state by state? as that is not the rules here. When mr rb dies I will get his ss check. until then i have mine and he has his, at his death i will not get my own but will get his.

Are you drawing now on his employment income or yours........ that may be where the differences come in from what I've read......learned a lot about ss today.
At 18 trillion in debt and climbing fast......... I think anybody younger than 60 may need a backup plan....... a move more toward socialism will only speed up our bankruptcy......... nothing is free no matter how you try to say it is........ what happens when the govt can't borrow any more money?........ who will the govt decide is the ones who gets their payments cut?........ the elderly will be the easiest....... they generally want riot and burn down cities.

View attachment 1467198_10154638591272908_8447962783593550634_n.jpg

At 18 trillion in debt and climbing fast

You seem to constantly make false claims. You might want to invest more time into research and less time parroting false Right Wing talking Points.
View attachment OMBchart.jpg
View attachment 234604

You seem to constantly make false claims. You might want to invest more time into research and less time parroting false Right Wing talking Points.
View attachment 234605

your right it's 19 trillion now........ and it looks like it's climbing fast it me...... care to have a peek?

take notice of the where it shows federal spending up 120%.....
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