donald and mj

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LOL WH, thanks!!! And your right, I will try to quit hating drump. I think he is they only person i hate... too many? ok, i will work on that.
Yes they are,,probably the worst i have ever seen. They also are a bunch of Bigots.

That is why Trump is doing so well...... and Bernie....... peeps tired of both sides........ it's all about the power.......... Power to the Peeps I say....... vote all of them out every time you get a chance...... they're all in bed with somebody y'all........ and it ain't MJ........ yet...... that may change by next president election......... I always thought Trump would be a shoe-in if he'd come out for legal pot after he gets nominated.
Hey Hamster, over 25,000 people showed up to see Bernie in my fine state. WOO hoo.. Ten thousand in seattle alone... love it.

Trump still has no policy, just his ratings and his hate speech that make me hate him. He has no world view. He is a very bad man. I have a visceral hate of this guy...Did I mention still a bigot?

Yes Rose. Heard 30,000 people waited in the rain to get in and hear him speak. Was very proud of your State. Bernie's strong States are now coming into play. $Hillary is already conceding she will lose at least 2 and I think she might get swepted tomorrow.
Yes Rose. Heard 30,000 people waited in the rain to get in and hear him speak. Was very proud of your State. Bernie's strong States are now coming into play. $Hillary is already conceding she will lose at least 2 and I think she might get swepted tomorrow.

which 2 states is she conceding?
30,000!!!! Can you believe that? Of course liberal Seattle was made for Bernie and me, except the rain part. But still 30,000 people standing in the rain that is amazing.
Donald did a great interview with Wolf. He said straight up that he denounces any White Suprimest Groups and doesn't need thier vote. Thought he did a good job. Course it wont matter. They will still say he is RASIEST because it works in their favor. Lol
He is racist, who does that favor? Doesn't need the white supremacist vote.... LOL...who does?
He is racist, who does that favor? Doesn't need the white supremacist vote.... LOL...who does?

I hope you get to keep feeling that way........ I'm afraid things may happen that may change your mind some........... I hope they're keeping us safe....... base on their past actions and current actions I don't think so........ there are plenty who want to fly planes into our buildings....... They are the true racist.
True he doesnt need thier vote. Since there aint that many of those basterds,,we know that most the 7.5 million ppl who voted for him arnt the racist asshats you speak of. Cool
I know im not a Bigot are Racist and im voting for him,,so thats at least one more to add to the 7.5 million voters that are not bad ppl.
Oh and i found out by the way,,,i can vote in the State of Texas as long as i completed and discharged my probation,parole,or sentence,,,,Yehaaaaaaaaa How cool is that. I still cant own a weapon,,damnt.
Fingers crossed hammy!

So over the weekend at a tramp rally, one of the protesters dressed as a kkk person. He got punched by a black Trump supporter.

I don't blame Trump fans getting pissed about the protesters. Agitators...whatever you want to call them. What goes around, comes around.
Exactly,,,bunch of asses causing as much trouble as they can ,,,and then getting pissed cause someone thats sick of their crap,,,punches the morons in their face. Then everybody blames Trump Supporters for standing up for thier rights. Same ole ****,,,,different day. Start spitting or pushing me and im going to punch you in your freaking face. Does that make me a racist? Bullshit
Just because some ******* out of thousands of ppl takes a cheap shot,,now all Trump Supporters are Racist, ,,again total complete bullshit.
And by the way,,,you can bet your *** these Politicians talk plenty nasty crap behind closed doors. Oh yeah we have tapes of it,,,remember. . Lol
She is on tv right now ,,,I cant watch her,,,she is so fake it makes me want to throw up.
She is on tv right now ,,,I cant watch her,,,she is so fake it makes me want to throw up.

that's why dems aren't showing up to vote...... I predict it's gonna be a bad summer for Hillary.
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