Socialism= medicare and social security
Socialism= medicare and social security
talk to me when you are in your sixties, you can opt out, my dad did, my rich gf in cali did, opt out, but don't take it away form me please. I got rso to make.
My **** aint free,,,i been paying for it all my life and im 60. Food stamps and such is one thing,,,and it is definitely being abused by a bunch of lazy *** ppl,,,but SS is not free nor do you get it if you haven't payed in. My Wife gets very little SS because she has been a Housewife most our marriage of 30yrs,,,and didnt pay much toward SS. And Medicare helps the Elderly who cant afford Health insurance. Im all for taking care of our Elders.
Wouldnt know i aint dead or disabled so my Wife gets what she paid in from working. I will retire when i cant walk anymore. Lol
There are always gonna be ppl taking advantage of something, ,,but that doesnt mean everybody else should suffer or lose things they need and dont abuse.
Thats news to me! So when i retire and start to get my SS,,,,my Wifes SS check will be more because i retired? Huh?
Your funny. Well crap ya had me going,,thought maybe my old broke *** might catch a little break with some extra income. Damnt where's Bernie whe n i need him. Lol