donald and mj

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that is what i was trying to sat G 13, thank you for clarifying that for me..
My friends i am backing out of this thread and will not be returning for this reason.
You guys are my friends whom i respect very much and i don't want you thinking less of me because of my Politics or Lack of Religion. Ive been here along time and have great fondness for most here. Especially Rose and THG who have always stuck beside me no matter what,,,and i want to keep it that way.
Guess im a little rough around the collar and have lived around a bunch of fking outlaw bikers talking **** for way to long,,,,,so im used to ppl like Donald Trump and his attitude, ,so ive become ya might say a bit desynthesized to such things. Another words they dont bother me cause i pay no attention to thier Bullshit.
Anyway,,,thanks guys for putting up with me in this thread. Hope things turn out the way you guys want. I just want to feed my family and live in peace, ,,and hang out on the MP. Yehaaaaaaaaa
I wanna grow pot and smoke it and share it. if that is wrong, i don't wanna be right.

You handled yourself just fine WH and lightened the mood. Thank you.
Your welcome Mam,,i seen things getting a little heated and a bit crazy,,so im out. As i said before,,i will support whom ever becomes my President.
Have fun guys.
Weedhopper, stick around. It's ok to be passionate about the candidates and election. We all have our own opinions and that's ok too. Don't let me run ya off.

I'm actually enjoying this thread. I missed last nights republican debate but heard Trump sounded much more presidential.

Excited and nervous for Tuesday.
Weedhopper, stick around. It's ok to be passionate about the candidates and election. We all have our own opinions and that's ok too. Don't let me run ya off.

I'm actually enjoying this thread. I missed last nights republican debate but heard Trump sounded much more presidential.

Excited and nervous for Tuesday.

You didnt run me off SM,,,lol.
I just dont see the point. I feel like a protester at a Debate for Democrats. Kinda pointless. I mean ppl are talking about him being Assassinated for Gods sake. Whoops im an Athiest. Lol
Anyway,,,no big deal. Ill go bug Keef over at the OFC. :smoke1:
Wow, anyone watching the knock down drag outs in Chicago? Trump cancelled a rally due to the protesters and I'm watching footage from outside the arena. This s nuts!!!
Wonder how it would go over if a bunch of Trump supporters shut down a Bernie Rally...... some of the protesters must think free speech is only their right and those who think differently don't have the same right.
Wonder how it would go over if a bunch of Trump supporters shut down a Bernie Rally...... some of the protesters must think free speech is only their right and those who think differently don't have the same right.

First of all Bernie Sanders had nothing to do with this. From what I have read so far it was organized by Move On. Secondly, Trump supporters wouldn't know what a peaceful protest is. When people peacefully protest you don't get to beat them up, and yell racist crap at them. Trump and his hateful rhetoric is the cause of this. Not people peacefully protesting and then being attacked, while Trump eggs them on. Bernie has had huge crowds and funny thing is there is no violence at them. And if people protest at them Bernie certainly doesn't incite violence against them and his supporters don't punch handcuffed protesters and then threaten them with death on camera. Don't even try and play this off like they are the same in anyway.
Is it so shocking that a hate spewing Bigot and Racist who routinely works his followers up into a frenzy gets people to come out in opposition of that? You are kidding right?
He created a violent atmosphere...

Exactly Rose. He wants to use his freedom of speech to promote hate and bigotry, well people have the right to their free speech to push back on that. You wouldn't get this crap at a Sanders rally because Bernie does not promote hate.
He created a violent atmosphere...

my sources say paid protesters stormed into the rented arena and shut down people with tickets trying to exercise free speech....... and now we all get to watch the sideshow on our chosen bias tv networks........ wonder how this would go over at the super bowl or a Hillary Clinton wall street speech.
The protesters share some blame too, things only continue to escellate - on both sides.
The Hillary advisors are high fiving themselves....... this couldn't be going better for them. All the big cities will be in the bag to let this happen....... gets the vote out for her........ its the way she rolls I tell you.
I agree Hillary and co are doing a happy dance, but pretty sure she didn't have.much to do with trump being trump..this whole thing is bringing back the 60s racial tension and I saw how that ended and it was a horrible time for our country.
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