donald and mj

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Trump should pick a VP that is twice F'd up as he is, cause someone going to kill him if he gets elected.

That would be Chrisy, right? I wonder if Trump will be killed before the election. I worried Obama would be killed. I like obama very much.
good question!! someone needs to google vegas odds of trump being assasinated. before and afta election. happy thoughts..
Damn,,,yall want the man dead. Ouch
By the way the old white guy was charged. He needed his old *** kicked for the sneaky *** **** he did.
It's stuff like this that will keep me from voting for $Hillary if she winds up the nominee.
It's also why this is my last election as a Democrat. Shady crap for sure.

both sides have the whole process setup so the establishment powers can place their candidate in office.......they believe they can and they have in the past been able to sway public opinion by pushing peeps buttons with hot button issues....... so they thought....... peeps on both sides are calling them out on their own **....... which is a good thing. google sea island meeting if you wanna read some ** on the other side hammy.
A protester was removed from his rally and was assaulted by an old white man and the protester ended up in hand cuffs, not the old white guy. He revs up all the old racist crap and I hate that. It isn't good for our country. He is rude and crude and a democrat.

I can't believe I'm about to defend Donald Trump, lol...

I saw him twice, the first time a friend lured me with dinner at my favorite steak house if I went with her. It was at the big arena where our pro hockey and basketball teams play. This was around the time he was making offensive remarks about Hispanics and there were various groups outside, completely peaceful and some were flying the Mexican flag. There were a few ******* Donald fans who rudely showed their disapproval. Inside there wasn't a single seat empty and folks appeared to really be digging what he said. I agreed with a few things, all politicians say things people want to hear. Anyways, when we left the building there was a group of protesters. I saw one protester trip a guy who had just left the rally and she seemed to think doing so was funny. I can understand people being angry about Trumps message, and rightfully so, but being outright mean is wrong- no matter what side you're on. Did Trump make that person trip the dude? Nope. Did Trump make his supporter act like that outside the facility? No. As much as I dislike him, he can't be blamed for how anyone behaves.

My son just turned 18 and is excited about voting for the first time and wanted to go to the Trump rally a few weeks ago. The line was huge with various groups quietly protesting outside, playing Mexican music, waving their flag. The venue was much smaller and I'm guessing about 10,000 fewer attendees. There weren't seats in the place, just standing room only. Lots of secret service agents with very tight security. Quite a few very vocal protesters made their own scene inside while he was speaking and were quickly escorted out. Trump was there for a rally with supporters, not a debate for opposing sides to ask questions or a place to voice/show disapproval so I understand them being removed from the building. A few caused quite a scene and were escorted out even faster. Not only did things seem dangerous for Trump, but for the people in the crowd who were sitting by the protesters. I'm glad they weren't allowed to stay!! Outside, things were uneventful, with just a few quiet protesters from many different nationalities. For what it's worth, there were supporters of Trump from other races too.

While I'm not sure what happened with the protester being led out in handcuffs, it wasn't Trump that did it to her. I'm guessing the man and the woman were both in the wrong. The man should have been removed the same way too, shame on them for not treating them the same way! I need to go find more info about what happened because I only saw a small snipit on the news. Was he a security guy or just some racist ******* in the crowd?

Trump doesn't make people act this way. He might fuel the fire but people are responsible for how they themselves decide to act. Not every Trump supporter behaves that way and not every protester acts the same way, either.

The Bernie Sanders rally was so different! It was a very positive experience with a completely different type of crowd. No jack asses like the Trump fans and the anti-trump people. It made me even more proud to be a supporter.

Dang, I really didn't intend to write so much, and believe it or not, I only type with one of my index fingers..its tired now, lol. I hope my opinions don't upset any of you but I just wanted to talk about my two experiences at Trump rally's in Dallas.

Weedhopper, love Trump all you like. I hope you're not a douche bag supporter.. :p. Kidding, I know you're not.
BEN CARSON offered SURGEON GENERAL. carson NOW supports trump..
Forgot to add that the security at the Sanders rally was very tight too. I even recognized a few secret service people from the Trump
Ben Carson says he is backing, supporting the Donald. Trump says Carson has great ideas on education. Sounds like SECRETERY OF EDUCATION. Maybe even V.P... He needs the black vote. Carson also promises to help Trump. Trump says there are (2) Donald Trumps. I thought (1) was bad. Don't think i have EVER, ANYWHERE seen such a braggart as trump.
Weedhopper, love Trump all you like. I hope you're not a douche bag supporter.. . Kidding, I know you're not.

As i have said many times,,,i think he is a prick,,,never cared for the guy,,,BUT,,,he is going to Win and i like him better then the rest of the Asshats . And just because i am picking him ,,,,,out of the rest of these assholes doesnt make me a Douche Bag. As i have also said,,,i have subbed out to a man very similar to Trump,,he is an *******, ,,,,,,,,,But that ******* has made my business work and kept me from punching a time clock for over 20yrs. I dont have to like you to know you are my best bet to feed my family. I can agree to disagree as you have seen on this thread. I am an Athiest,,,not one of these ppl represent my belives,,,,but i dont give a crap,,,i want to feed my family and see my Country stop taking **** from all these other ******* Countries. I also like Sanders, ,,but he dont stand a chance in hell of winning. Why would i keep wasting my time thinking about these other asshats who are not going to Win and if they did,,it would just be 4 more yrs of the same ole ****. Obama has hurt my business and many others that i know because he cant get **** done. Neather will Hillary or Bernie because the Republican run House and Senate wont let them do **** eather,,especially after loosing another Election.
So,,i dont like thd basterd,,but you better climb on board or do what the Republicans have done for the last 6yrs and fight the Man in office because ya dont like him. You guys are my friends and i hope that doesnt change just because we have a difference of opinion. If your guy wins I WILL back him or her because i love my Country and our Democracy. And i will love yuu guys no matter what.
I like Bill Maher's comparison of Trump to Hitler....seriously scary and ooohhh so true.
Weedhopper, I didn't mean to strike a nerve, and I wasn't being serious with my comment. Not all his supporters are racist jerk wads - everyone knows this. If they were, our country would be in serious trouble since he's the front runner and has hundreds of thousands of fans.

Definitely a crazy election year and everyone is entitled to support whoever they want. However, the racism, hate and violence I've seen is extremely unfortunate and sad. I just don't get it at all.

Don't worry, I still love ya. :vap-Bong_smoker:
Ack, I just reread my long post. No way did I mean to imply that the lady in handcuffs deserved to be treated like that. What I meant was I'm guessing she was antagonizing or wouldn't stop being disruptive after being requested to do so. I bet things could have been handled better by everyone.

I saw something similar happened at another rally just last night. An old white guy clocked a black guy right in the face. This whole thing is bringing out the worst in some people. :(
SM, good for you taking your kids to political rallies. As long as we are being honest.. I think you have to be an old woman to appreciate Hillary and what she has done in her life. Yale law graduate? I went to xray school... she. fought the media and the republicans most of her adult life and had a tough husband to be married to, i have a peach of a husband, she testified for 9 hours and was found something... not guilty, or no new information.. I took a guy to court once was on the stand 2 hours and have never been the same.. She is the first woman, blah blah blah, just trying to explain my appreciation to hillary.
Trump the new hitler was right on Umbra.. on Bill maher.
SM, i am not talking about a woman in hand cuffs, this was yesterday and it was a black man. Trump told them to get him out of there and go home to his mom. His mother was dead. The old white dude told the camera next time he would kill him..he might be isis.
SM, i am not talking about a woman in hand cuffs, this was yesterday and it was a black man. Trump told them to get him out of there and go home to his mom. His mother was dead. The old white dude told the camera next time he would kill him..he might be isis.

Why would a Trump hater go to a Trump rally?
He was a trump supporter...Trump is jacking his supporters up.. this ole white guy that this young black man was isis? hello?
He was a trump supporter...Trump is jacking his supporters up.. this ole white guy that this young black man was isis? hello?
I thought he was a protester who made his way into the rally and disrupted the rally.........
The black man was a protester, the white guy attending.. old white racist, the worst our country can muster. I live across the street from on old white racist.. and i am white and i can't stand him. They get more than anything. The black man was handcuffed for being sucker punched by an old white guy. After the tape shows up of what happened the old man was taken into custody.. after he said he would kill him next time.

MY point is Trump is escalating this old 1950 s racist crap. And there are lots of old people that agree with him and I find them extemely dangerous.
The black man was a protester, the white guy attending.. old white racist, the worst our country can muster. I live across the street from on old white racist.. and i am white and i can't stand him. They get more than anything. The black man was handcuffed for being sucker punched by an old white guy. After the tape shows up of what happened the old man was taken into custody.. after he said he would kill him next time.

MY point is Trump is escalating this old 1950 s racist crap. And there are lots of old people that agree with him and I find them extemely dangerous.

I thought the black guy got handcuffed for disruption of the rally and was being led out of the rally by police when a 78 year old man punched him as he walked by with the arresting officers...... yep a cheap shot. Could have been avoided for sure.
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