Weedhopper, love Trump all you like. I hope you're not a douche bag supporter.. . Kidding, I know you're not.
As i have said many times,,,i think he is a prick,,,never cared for the guy,,,BUT,,,he is going to Win and i like him better then the rest of the Asshats . And just because i am picking him ,,,,,out of the rest of these assholes doesnt make me a Douche Bag. As i have also said,,,i have subbed out to a man very similar to Trump,,he is an *******, ,,,,,,,,,But that ******* has made my business work and kept me from punching a time clock for over 20yrs. I dont have to like you to know you are my best bet to feed my family. I can agree to disagree as you have seen on this thread. I am an Athiest,,,not one of these ppl represent my belives,,,,but i dont give a crap,,,i want to feed my family and see my Country stop taking **** from all these other ******* Countries. I also like Sanders, ,,but he dont stand a chance in hell of winning. Why would i keep wasting my time thinking about these other asshats who are not going to Win and if they did,,it would just be 4 more yrs of the same ole ****. Obama has hurt my business and many others that i know because he cant get **** done. Neather will Hillary or Bernie because the Republican run House and Senate wont let them do **** eather,,especially after loosing another Election.
So,,i dont like thd basterd,,but you better climb on board or do what the Republicans have done for the last 6yrs and fight the Man in office because ya dont like him. You guys are my friends and i hope that doesnt change just because we have a difference of opinion. If your guy wins I WILL back him or her because i love my Country and our Democracy. And i will love yuu guys no matter what.