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don't really think that deer will eat from your plants, you will have more troubles with rats and stuff, but if they eat from it you can use a natural repellant that can be bought in a gardenstore or something.

piss around the area or put human hair or dog hair dog **** whatever smells threting to a deer
Yeha I'd use hair or something. But don't use soap. It attracts rats....
i wouldn't use dog ****, there's the risk to step in it :D, but peeing will help i think, marking your territory, or i will take my dog with me and let him do the pissing :D

don't really think that deer will eat from your plants

deer and elk "topped" my plants 3 times last year. Twice after they were fenced. It appaered that they went back in search of plants, as green grass was butt high to a tall indian at the time. But maybe they were just "connoisseurs"...;) LOL
Deer will ride the plants over and eat the tops out of them. Collect piss in a jug and pour it around the plants. This works....
product called "scoot" can be purchsed at hardware store, seen it there, and there was a testamonial about it on another site by a experienced outdoor grower. As for pissin' , am a deer hunter and thats good for a day tops,have had to run a tight wire around the patch, when deer get determined they area pain in the ass, plant some rye grass to appease em <lol. good luck
Im not worried about stepping in ****, it's all the poison ivy surrounding them that worries me!
I'll put down all the ways I know to keep deer from munching on your pot plants.
The BEST way is to use a combination of as many of the following ways as possible.

-Build a cage around each plant consisting of 4' high chicken wire and re-bar or other sturdy uprights. To keep rodents out, wrap plastic wrap around the lower 2' of the cages to prevent rodents from climbing the chicken wire.
-Scatter unbaited mousetraps around, upside-down. When stepped on the mousetraps snap and jump.
-Ask a barber shop for a days worth of floor sweepings. Make little bundles of hair with string and tie these, like X-mas ornaments, from the branches of the plants. You can also use bits of soap.
Use perimeter barriers such as:
-String bailing wire (real thin wire available at hardware stores) around the perimeter. Using existing tree's/brush or other sturdy uprights such as re-bar or drapery rods, string the bailing wire at 3 intervals--1', 2.5' and 4' high.
-Predator urine: you can buy this at large gardening outlets.
-Feed your dog meat the night/morning before visiting your grow site. Bring your dog and when there, feed your dog half a bran muffin. Has the same effect on dogs as it has on people, except quicker. Herbivores such as deer, rabbit's, etc. can tell the ****/urine came from a meat-eater.
-Ask a barber shop to save you a day's worth of floor sweepings. Make little bundles of human hair and tie it with string to the tips of branches. You can do the same things with cut-up pieces of soap like Irish Spring.

Like I said, the KEY is to use as many of the above methods as possible. The bailing wire and unbaited mouse traps will annoy the **** out of them. The ****/piss from meateaters will make the site unattractive to deer and other plant eaters.

All the ways I've listed are PROVEN methods of protecting your plants. I've used all of them; they work.

I've harvested mondo buds when everyone else in the same general area was moaning about how deer decimated their crop.

P.s. Few things will protect plants from starving deer.

05-05-2005, 01:13 PM

COmbo of smells
I have sum Cwazee wabbits eating my plants.....however I fopund a way to change their attitude:

Everytime u check the plants...piss on the big shade leaves.....and if you have a dog..encourage him to do the same

Make the following and spray the leaves with it once a week

4 Litre pale
Fill with water
Crack open an egg and put it in
Toss 4 crushed garlic cloves in

Let it stand for a while......Careful IT STINKS after a few days

Pour it around the base of the plants and if you have the stomach fo rit....put some in a spray bottle and spray the leaves.....BUT....stop spraying them witha month left before harvest when u begin to flush the plants with watewr sans.. Fertilizer

PLUS.....make a "boxing ring" with 5 pound test fishing line around the plants
30-06 caliber 280 grain pointed soft points will cure any deer of eating pot plants or anything else for that matter......
Deer for some reason do like to eat weed plants the only way to really stop them besides killing the deer would be to plant where deer don't go and that's a tough thing to do....
BTW Joe, I had to toss all my beans, thats why you never recieved any, I got about 70% hermies from my test grow and I won't ship that kind of genetics, it's not fair for anyone...My new beans are looking good, 85% female, they're a cross of Somango (Soma Seeds) and Lil ******* Ak-47 widow (Ak-47 x white widow), if you're still interested drop me a pm and I'll send you out some, sorry it took so long to get back on track, I've had some major personal problems (medical) and am just now coming back into my own and trying to establish a new med breed since I unfortunatly am eligable for med MJ now.......
* edit-- Urinating on your plants is not really a good idea, urine is very high in nitrogen and can destroy your plants, I lost a beautiful S.A.G.E. mother because my ex-grow partner read it was good for them and pissed in the pot she was in, a week later she was DEAD......
Killing deer in not an option unless you can live in your garden and never ever sleep.
And gunfire attracts attention.
Using my techniques I have brought in full harvests when all other growers in the area lost lots of yield to deer.

Usually no animal (except people) will disturb a pot plant once it starts budding. Animals don't like the way the extra resin tastes I suppose.
However, if an animal is starving, it will munch your plants no matter what stage their in.
Racoons wont eat it and beavers have to be close by they wont travel through the woods to find it so unless your growing on a ditch bank or some where like that the chances are slim of a beaver eating it. The greatest threat are from wood rats and rabbits. the best deturrent is to plant more plants than you need and chances are the wont eat but a few. part of the ones they do eat off will come back. I had a small plant bitten off at the ground and it forked right at ground level and grew to be 9 feet tall and was like two plants side by side. slim.
Amerowolf said:
Yeha I'd use hair or something. But don't use soap. It attracts rats....
no it dosent i have never seen a rat by my plants or anything like that so yeah mybe you just have alot of rats around your area well i have 3 cats that live out side maybe they ate them all well you not suppost to put the soap righ next to the plant like 4 bars within a 10x 10 square but i dont even use soap i grow another crop of clover plus corn for the deer so i can hunt them to
ickypitbull said:
30-06 caliber 280 grain pointed soft points will cure any deer of eating pot plants or anything else for that matter......
Deer for some reason do like to eat weed plants the only way to really stop them besides killing the deer would be to plant where deer don't go and that's a tough thing to do....
BTW Joe, I had to toss all my beans, thats why you never recieved any, I got about 70% hermies from my test grow and I won't ship that kind of genetics, it's not fair for anyone...My new beans are looking good, 85% female, they're a cross of Somango (Soma Seeds) and Lil ******* Ak-47 widow (Ak-47 x white widow), if you're still interested drop me a pm and I'll send you out some, sorry it took so long to get back on track, I've had some major personal problems (medical) and am just now coming back into my own and trying to establish a new med breed since I unfortunatly am eligable for med MJ now.......
* edit-- Urinating on your plants is not really a good idea, urine is very high in nitrogen and can destroy your plants, I lost a beautiful S.A.G.E. mother because my ex-grow partner read it was good for them and pissed in the pot she was in, a week later she was DEAD......

hunting you kill never i say NEVER kill all the deer in you area i do it for the meat and the sport of it not cuz of my plants i cant tell you how many times i have let deer walk right by so yeah dont just kill every deer you see and plant another crop and they will eat that in stead of your plant i grow clovers and soy beans they love that more then weed i have saw them walk right by my plants going to the clover
Deer like to eat weed for the same reason they tell you if your planting oaktrees on your land waite till they get bigger to fertilize them because the deer look for food with the most newts in them. Freshly fertlized plants have more vitamins and minerals in them so mj that has been fertilized draws the deer to it. Alos the earlyer you plant the more likely they are to be eaten because there is a lot less growing early in the year. Slim
Trust me now way i grow clover and soy beans year around and fertailze it every month just for the deer they know that its their and they eat it been doing it for 5 years and growing my bud 25 yards away so dont tell me they wont walk pass my plants to the clover and not even stop so whatever its just my deer their well feed i guess yup yup

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