As we have mentioned before, some of these books are a little archaic and not everything is right but here is what the Cannabis Grow Bible (2001 Greg Green) says...
It does happen that sometimes the bugs win. No matter how
much you might spray them or try to kill them, they keep coming back
to your grow room. To solve this you will have to create a clean room,
which means a total and complete cull of your harvest.
First set-up another grow room of smaller size enough to
support some cuttings and clones. Take cuttings from what plants you
have and move the cuttings to that room. You will use the cuttings
again eventually in your clean grow room if you want to continue those
Next up take all the grow equipment, bar electrical
equipment, to the bathroom. Clean down the entire equipment with
bleach. Fill a tub with water and bleach and let the grow equipment
rest there for a day.
Back to the grow room. First start with the walls. Clean the
walls down with bleach if you can. You will maybe have to paint them
again after. Do the corners, up high and clean out any holes, extraction
holes, fittings, pipes, etc. Then clean around the rim of the room. If
your floor can be lifted up then you can also do this to get in at the
corners a bit better.
After this cleaning has been done you can consider smoking
the room. Various pest killing smoke bombs can be bought in most
grow stores. Follow the instructions carefully and smoke bomb the
room. This will guarantee the demise of any bugs, eggs or larvae but
remember eggs are usually safe from these sprays, that is why they
recommend a reapplication 7-10 days after initial treatment- MAKE
Once this is done, clean the room again like you did the first
time. Now you should have a clean room, free off pests. Repeat the
process if needed. The more you clean it, the better it will be.
Electrical items should be dusted down before returning them
to the grow room. Dry down your other grow equipment which was
bleached and return this to the grow room.
Your cuttings need to be checked for bugs. Also you do not
move the cuttings back to the grow room until you have taken cuttings
from these cuttings. Grow the cuttings out for a week or two and check
them everyday for bugs. If you find any then you may have to use a
pesticide on the cuttings. When you are sure that your cuttings are
clean, take new cuttings and place them in new soil and clean pots.
Take these to your grow room and watch their progress and look out
for any signs of pests and bugs.
If you have done this correctly then you should have
eliminated all signs of pest infestation in your grow room.
Mites and other small pests can lay their eggs in cuttings and
these can be missed when you look for pests because they are not
obvious. The pesticides should have killed them, but some pests like
the powder bugs lay their eggs inside the stems and seem to always
come back. If you can't get rid of bugs like this then you may have to
toss your genetics away and get new ones. For breeders this can be a
difficult task. A long term project can be terminated by a few bugs
wreaking havoc in the grow room. Breeders should pay strict attention
to keeping their grow rooms clean at all times. And remember - Never
take anything that has been outside into your grow room.