Da Baby's

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Agent 47

Hey I found this picture on the internet. I have no Idea who this is. If I would have joined this forum earlier I might have been able to update you guys. Don't actually know whom these belong to. :rolleyes:


Looks like they are from bag seeds. I think I can see males, about 1:1 ratio with female. That guy I would guess is about 6' tall. It looks as if there's a lot more you just can't see with this camera angle. Hm, guess we'll never know
maybe he's kneeling too an they only a few feet high lol
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7. Please try to post all of your pictures on this site. Linking to other sites has inherent risks involved that should be kept to a minimum if at all possible. We have both a Gallery and the ability to post as many as eight pictures with each post you make. Please post your pictures here, instead of linking to them.

Peace RBH
was that site rule directed to me or the one who started the thread runby? i didnt see any sort of link on this thread other than one to my grow in my signature
sorry about the link to imageshack and yes it appears as if he is kneeling somewhat ..seems as if the image was taken at a downward angle. i'd guess these plants are about 5'at average
That is the kinda pic that gives growers bad names. I hope he gets shot by narcotics officers.
maybe along with growing herbs he follows another passion, target shooting and collecting guns. It seems as if this recreational hobby is looked down upon?
People do not target practice in their patch. This guy or gal is trying to show that they are an armed force to be reckoned with. This is why every time Leo finds a patch they try to link it to organized crime or a criminal syndicate. These so called growers that tote guns and fit right into that group.
ya all the males we're taken out and 2 plants were left that we weren't too sure if they were male or female and i think they turned out hermie as you guys asked what i had been assuming. should i just take it out? i'm not cloning them or anything
.."I".. would get it outta' there... yesterday.. but it's probably too late. From the appearance, it has likely pollinated and degraded your entire show, with worthless hermie seeds... :(
damn...will 1 plant pollinate alllllll the females..

also what would one expect to yield from about 150-175 female plants that have been pruned plucked watered regularly and given some nutes. average height 5'6" some over 6'. all kinds of nodes and bud sites ... just ur average estimated guess please..if possible to determine
what would one expect from about 150-175 female plants
mmmmmmmmm.. 8 to 12.... years :D
and with the sk involved.. you can "double" that.. ;)
ha ha funny funny lol

i'm allowed to grow here the police pretty much don't care ... i think i'll be okay growing this lil patch wen the rasta's are growing FIELDSSSS of 8 foot plants in the open up and down the mountain

ALL of my firearms we're legally purchased from respectable dealers, each and EVERY
firearm is registered under my name and legally owned.

Seriously Though, Any estimates on yield?

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