critically smashed seeds are hard

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Jun 14, 2008
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these seeds had been soaking in a cup of water with a couple drops of h2o2 on a heating pad 75-80 degrees for 3 days and there just cracked open. if they wont show me there taproot how should i plant them crack in seed facing up or down? thanks
You really should wait a bit longer till the shoot emerges, that's the surest way to know which way is down/up. If you plant it upside down it will, most likely, stunt or otherwise deform it's growth to the point it would go hermaphrodite on you and have to be removed before it can contaminate your sensi, if yer goin for seedless that is.. Just give them one more day to show the root and grow on from there. :)
Not too sure I can agree with the above response at all... Sorry. Thing is, I thoroughly hate struggling with beans to make sure the taproot is facing down, so, I simply toss the beans in the soil... Where ever they fall, is the way they stay.... I do not get hermies this way. Sometimes they can get confused as to what way to grow when under the soil, but if you notice one is missing and know where it is, the problem is very easy to rectify.

Anyways, if you want to wait for the TR, it shouldn't be too much longer. Congrats on the new grow!!!
thank you...i learned alot from this post
be safe always
I put my seeds directly into soil too. It saves all the messing about. It doesn't matter what way up you plant the seed. The seed will always know which way is up and which way is down. This is called geotropism.
The critically smashed seeds grow deformed, they are the free ones from the doc
Sometimes I like to put my seeds on top of damp compost and cover the seed with about a 1/4" of perlite or vermiculite. This helps to retain the moisture in the compost and offers little resistence to the Hypoctyl (embryonic stem) as the plant begins growing.

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