The Hemp Goddess
I'm sorry...I have fat fingers. It's 26 wide 26 tall and 19 deep. 26x 26x 19/1728 = 7.43. That's almost 7.5 cu feet. This light that The Hemp Godess recommended ... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NMX5EGC/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20 This light will fit my 26 x 19 foot print.
Will take up 4" of height plus 2" for plant distance plus 6" pots. That leaves me with 14". I placed a scrog screen 2" above the top of the pots. So I should have 12" for cola to grow. I can also tie them down on thier sides if needed. The lights on its way. Also I fugured out why the fan was making noise. It was touching the side of the cab.
I am talking sq ft, which is what lighting needs are figured on, not cubic feet. So, a space that is 26 x 19 x 26 (dimensions are written length x width x height) is 3.43 sq ft, it is 7.43 cu ft. The light you linked is 24.5" wide, so will not fit into your space. However, last winter I bought a 2' 12 lamp T5 that was only 18" wide, so they do make fixtures that large that are narrower. So shop around. For your space and lack of headroom, I believe that your only real choice is a T5.
So, my recommendations: look for a T5 fixture that will fit in your space that will provide at least 17,100 lumens. You can get blue tubes for vegging and red for flowering. You are going to have to move your scrog net up. A space of 2" just will not work--move the net up 3-4". And (sorry), but you are not going to grow 12" colas, so no reason not to move the screen to an appropriate height and give the plant some space to grow horizontally. With scrog, you are going to get a bunch of smaller colas--that is just how scrog works.
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