Whenever I make compost tea outdoors I usually just dump a shovel full of compost in a 5 gal bucket and scoop off the stuff that floats. Then I throw in a tbs of molasses dissolved in a glass of hot water, and throw the goldfish pond air stone in for good measure. Stir it 1-2 times a day and dump it liberally after it's aerated for 3 days. Or I might dilute it. The stuff is incredible, some years I get a super bumper crop of blackberries, other years it might be another veggie that shines. You can't burn with it, and the molasses feeds beneficial bacteria. I make compost out of whatever scraps I get in the yard, brown leaves, green leaves, dirt, water, turn it, and it's good in 8 weeks or less. Sift it with a trommel and put the big chunks back in the pile. If you don't have an air stone just mix well and dump, I've done that too if I'm lazy, works a treat.
I don't use manure as I can't usually get it, but you can get a big bag of chicken manure for just a few bucks at a farm store. That stuff will burn tho and it needs to be composted for a good long time, like a year or two, and then even then be easy with it.