Stoney Bud
DLtoker said:That is a lot of bud comparatively speaking. For me, every time I just eat weed raw it doesn't give me nearly the amount of the buzz as if I were to cook it and eat it with a fire cracker. When I eat these little crackers, I, and the people who participate with me, will eat about a quarter gram each and will get toasted. There are no 100%s in science. Just because 97% of scientists say climate change is directly cause by humans, does that mean it is set in stone? No Way! No offense, but this is how it works for me. I could go on for hours with other thoughts and explanations but... :bolt:
It's more the type of high than the amount of high that I'm talking about.
97% of Scientists don't say that. The ones who yell the loudest are the ones heard. I personally don't believe that the climate change is due to humans. I can back that up.
It's been proven with no doubt what-so-ever that heat is THC's worst enemy. What you're doing with the heat is converting the THC to it's more couch lock CBN type high by using heat. If you used a nice strong Indica with no cooking, you'd get the same result with less weed.
CBN is the primary product of THC degradation, and there is usually little of it in a fresh plant. CBN content increases as THC degrades in storage, and with exposure to light, air and heat. It is only mildly psychoactive, and is perceived to be sedative or stupefying. You may prefer the CBN high that you're increasing when heating the THC.
No offence to you either, but, there are lots of people who have misconceptions about how the chemistry in pot works.
There are most certainly 100%'s in science.
The sun will always be seen as rising in the east.
Heat will degrade THC at temperatures above 100 degrees F.
Man will never totally figure out women. Hehe.