Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

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i just tried a single bud not weighed on a single cracker with peanutbutter and its givin me a small buzz but its only been about 30 minutes so we'll see. i also have a batch of canna butter going in the crock pot. hope it turns out good.
easy and cheap to eat it? well i remeber one time I got swinged to jail slammer yeah in raleigh nc!! they didnt check my socks, they just took my strings off the shoes, but i had 20s inside my sock, my feets stink that time.
i had no lighter, i was in holding room, i decide to just eat one by one buds, chewing in the teeths, juicies came out, i drank the juices, keep going, then i fall sleep, few hours later, took 3 cops to wake me up, cuz it was time for me to bail out, wooo!! it work i was so stoned from my stomach, dawg! i ran to buy more right after i got out! yes ran 12 blocks to buy more lol
LOL I made some butter last night. I emptied some tea bags and put the ground up weed in them. I put three in tea bags in with = 3/8 all together in bags. Anyhow, I simmered them on low heat in my little sauce pan with a lid. I let it simmer slow for three hours. I then realized that one had ripped open. No matter I have the cheese cloth and will strain it out real good. I kept it covered all day and warm with my little bud tea bags in the butter just simmering and soaking it all up ;).
It has now been 24 hours since I started making the butter. I did add a little pure vanilla to the butter and weed since I am going to use it in cookies it doesn't matter. I got three packages of chocolate chip cookie mix that calls for 1 stick of butter =1/2 cup of butter. I will have enough butter for two batches of cookies. MM cookies. ;) I want a nice little buzz and this bud is real good, too much of it makes me queasy sick. So I bet a little bit will be great. I think a 3/8 in a cup of butter will be real nice.
i made some also. i put all my trimmings from a hermie i harvested in a crock pot after i diced it up real small. used 3 big spoons of butter. i waited till the butter was melted tosed in the green and a cup of water. stir'd it for a few minutes. covered and let it sit on warm for about 6 hours, let it sit and cool over night then removed the water. then heated just enough to melt and strained thru a big strainer then thru cheese cloth. its cooling off now and ill let you know how it turns out.

also the cracker wasn't to bad, it was a different high, (not as high as if i had smoked)
was asleep an hour and a 1/2 after eating it. not worth the weed. i'd rather smoke it. but maybe this butter will be alittle better
Gonna try this. I wonder if my puppy would like it??? He sure loves to sit in my lap at bed time with his nose to the air!!!
A friend of mine and myself tried a variation on this around a month ago. Instead of the crackers we just took wat we had in our stash at the time (roughly 1 - 1.5 grams of medium/low grade bud)

We ground it up as finely as possible and mixed it in an oven proof dish with equal amounts of peanut butter and green. Since this was the first time trying this I didn't want to burn it so we only baked it for 12 minutes at roughy 150 degrees CELCIUS. After this we let it cool and spread it onto bread and consumed.

After around an hour and a half the full effects had hit, I had a nice pleasent floaty high and my mate got the best giggles I have ever seen. He was doubled over laughing making noise I had never heard before, this then sent me into the giggles and we sat there pissing ourselves for a while.

Then we ate fairy bread, which I reccommend to anyone as fairybread is the bomb :D

Long post but yeah, this does work but as for amounts to cook and how long etc, it's gonna take some trial and error before you suss out what works best. Next time I try it I will use more weed and probably bake it a little longer in crackers.

If you dont use the crackers the peanut butter becomes slighty burned while cooking, to avoid this just stir occasionally.

The cheapest and easiest way to eat weed is... to just stuff the bud in yer mouth, chew, and swallow... simple as that....:rolleyes: :doh:
Hahah... Great story Trippy_Hippy! I love those good ol' times that reefer can give us.
I didnt read through all 5 pages but Ive used the Organic PB on Ritz Crackers @ 225 for about 25 minutes, they were very potent but hard to eat, I call 'em "hay biscuits"...
iv not tryed the canna crackers yet but cant wait to get a bag to do it what i have done though is this;heated some grinded weed with cooking oil on a spoon with a lighter,mixed it in with plain yogurt(muller),enjoyed. my high lasted longer and seemed to get stronger as time went by.ive noticed ppl saying that they wanted it to leave ,i know what you mean!eating weed is well word of warnng though, you can control your high when smoking,i.e if youve had enougth you can put a joint down.once you eat mj you have to let nature take its course-so be causious,expesilaly if its your first time.
That crazy vancouver guy said:
The cheapest and easiest way to eat weed is... to just stuff the bud in yer mouth, chew, and swallow... simple as that....:rolleyes: :doh:
yeah ive heard your bodys the perfect temp to dissolve thc with out destroying it,never tryed it on its own though ,
Tried this last night on a limited run. Ground up two buds approximately half dollar and quarter size in the coffee grinder. Two crackers with reg ol' Jiffy smooth on them. Sprinkled the ground herb over the top of one cracker then sandwiched it. Didn't bake it as it was late.

Hay bisquit is correct. I didn't catch a buzz off it per se but did sleep quite well. Gonna try again on my days off for a better experiment.

I just dropped 5 crackers, 1 about an hour ago or more and I can't feel it's effects. The first one was a cracker with about just over a quarter of a 0.6 bud, I haven't felt the effects from this one yet so I decided to make more, 4 more, I chopped up this time probably 1.2g of bud and quartered it, I ate all of these crackers I haven't felt anything from them yet but a small buzz I'm hoping that later they will effect me. I followed the recipe exactly and used organic 100% peanut butter. Anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

or can anyone post a video of themselves doing it and it working?

pretty disappointed at this stage.
HOLY ****!

BIG MISTAKE... It is the next day, hmmm let's have a recap of what went on.

I took that one cracker, nothing was happening so I thought I'd have four more... IDIOT!

I completely GREENED OUT yesterday, I passed out and went to bed sooooo ****** off my face I thought I was dying.

Lesson learned = Have patience children...

After seeing the effects of 5 and passing out I think next time I'll stop at 2 or wait a while.

Just made 3 of these. I didnt have ritz crackers so i used Ate one about 5 min ago. I used leamon g with regualr pb, and it didnt actually taste to bad. The leamon went really well with the peanut butter. Ill post back with results! How should I store the other 2 untill im ready to eat them?
My first attempt at this is in the oven now. I don't have crackers so I made a wheat bread sandwich. I don't have PB so... Regular butter had 11gms of fat, Nutella has 11gms fat, Mara Natha (natural) almond butter has 16gms fat... So it's an almond butter bud sandwich. I used very little bud because I have very little. It's just a sample and so ... This seemed like a good way to sample it. I didn't like the smoke with it. It's suppose to be quality from a Mmj supplier (I wonder why I found a seed in it, LOL)! I'm going to get it out of the 300*farenhite (?) oven now. I'll give you an update later today.

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