Carolina Chronic Tree Grow in MT

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hey mystic,I am also a neighbor , real close like in big sky. your water issue; you can try the water at the camp sites in the canyon, the water there is pretty good. i would like to sit in and pull up a chair too. In the next couple days im going to put a couple of clones outside. I got a couple nice places pick out,hopefully weather holds. Last year it snowed 18 inches in late june up high. P.S you can get 3 gal. grow bags in town(Bozeman)10 for 2 bucks. Nice setup keep it up and good luck
Welcome in @zipflip...Oh Kewl I love neighbor heck... who knows might start Us a Growers group right here in Mt trade info help each other out...Maybe all hit a coffee shop and do a lil Munch ...I hear you on the indicas too ...though they can be way past hard to pick out of bag seed and fool you sometimes ....Though reading your last grow there are some safe online places to order from like Nirvana just use say a PO box that way you can be sure of the dom traits and genetics and the time line you need for another outdoor grow plus you can use the wall of water link Hick posted too get that early head start...

Hey framingman001...Yeppers we got here just last fall ...My gals a Montana cowgirl though so they let this Southern Country Boy into the state Chuckles ....I've been trying to hunt me some good spots too, but being new to the area still getting to know people here and getting on land takes a bit of time ....Though if this awesome weather holds Me and My leg brace and My cane are gonna try to hike along a few of the creeks I found that are public access there are a couple smallish lakes close but they are crawling with people allot I noticed so the lakes would prolly be out as every inch probably gets tromped over through the summer ...Which would be the last thing I need happen to My meds after putting in the work to grow them ...But I'm going to keep looking about for next year ...Though I gotta get away from this here flat spot a few miles I doubt you could hide a twig out here ...Sending you warm winds to keep the snow away and pop a few in the ground for me too framingman001...Glad to have ya;ll pulling up a chair
thanks mystic..
actually im not in montana but right next door to ya .
i spend some time in sydney and glendive here n there. got family there as well as frenz but i try stay away from sydney as much as i can. lol. idk if it just me but tehre alot of dirty crackheads there. lol
but as far as pickin out indicas from bagseed.. i only keep seeds from the bags of good nuggs i get and my friends get. im talkin the type bags ya get of good ol dankity dank where ya may find an occassional seed or two is all.
a couple my friends save em for me as well. and i got liek a baby food jar full of perfect lookin seds. and this next batch i got in veg now are all mostly ind for sure.
ya can tel by lookin at leaves on em they 4sure ind dom at least tho.
i have a hard time affordin all the necessities to grow perfect . its paychek to paychek for me.
but i do wat i can wit wat i have etc.. so orderin seeds, maybe a xmas present for myself this xmas maybe lol.
i got one lady thats like 2-3weeks from finishin that is growin very quik as far as flowerin an maturing goes so im thinkin wat im gonna do is revegg her and take clones and just put few outdoors just to see if it works this year.
at least tahts wat i'd like to so anyway lol
Friday May 29th 2009

Wheew I finally made it in past the server busy error Yeahhhhhhhhh Go team!

Wow @zipflip that sounds great and who knows what with traveling distances all being relative here you never know... one day you might be this way... or I might be that way ...Who knows but till then keep growing and giving it the good fight ...your looking good over there in your thread so keep up the good work ...and keep talking to those growing girls too they like good convos too yeah know...

Okay lets see where are we at as far as an update ...The flush worked out on Alice ...I got her in the 5 gallon pail now that I scored and I really like these heavy thick buckets they will work for soil and DWC I think ...and now I'm gathering parts and stuff to turn one into a small cloner if all goes well...

Nothing as far as cash influx... but I'm gathering goodies from the others patients in the group and freecycle to work on a bud hut then I'll just have to get Us an HPS light ...Like I said One of the other folks came over and together We got Alice in her new home and wow ...No freaking shock at all... she is off and running and well growing well the leaf twist is fading and her colors coming back good...

Out of the 6 other Gurls of the CCT looks like 5 are gonna make it they are going pretty strong now...

Also the Wonderful Nirvana stock is up and growing and Going...The Two White Castles popped up today... as did the Two Full Moons...just waiting on the Two Aurora Indica's to show their lovely heads ...So Alice if your reading along You rock hard G/F... Thank You.

Also I gotta make some space so after this grow I can take in a very special cutting from a local Friend here and grow her into a Mom... then get Her out to the others in the Collective asap ...I've heard She is a Rock Star of the plant world ...and She Rocks Hard... She Heavy... She Rocks Steady ...So Time for Me to get busy and build Her a lil Queens palace...Because when She comes she gonna have a good home and lots of love...and lots of prayers with hopes and dreams attached...So though I doubt that local Friend reads here... but I'm gonna still throw out a Thank you here on MP anyhow... and simply say I sure hope and pray your gift is returned to you 10 times 10 fold ...Thank you so very much 10 by 10 My Friend.

Well that's about all I got to say for this Friday... more new pictures comin soon...Laughs man that sounds like a movie trailer or something.

good ta hear ya got her in line again man.
good lucck an cant wait for the update pix...
Sunday May 31 2009

Well My Lady is awway and she got the camera so I'm going to play and relax a bit the girls are looking pretty good this am and we are cooking on 424 watts ..So prolly be tomorrow before I can get pictures up drat it all...

But I wrote a little something on the FF vs MG thread I wanna save here in My grow journal because I really do feel it hold merit hopefully others reading along will too who knows ...So here goes...

Fox Farm vs Miracle Grow

It is honestly great that everyone here loves Fox Farm products but what few realize is how discouraging that can be to most way rural areas that don't have local grow shops or hydro shops that you can just take a short drive to and tada a one stop shop ...

Out here in Montana I can't get Fox Farm stuff unless I order it online ...So product... plus shipping... plus added time makes that a rough deal...

Me personally I buy the best organic soil I can locally check it as best I can them amend and lighten it ...Sometimes that might mean certain MG products... but even Ed Rosenthal and Mel Frank recommend them right in their books ...

So good alternatives on how to mix good viable soil helps budding growers in My personal view ...

Myself I go by a chart in Mel Franks book 1 part perlite, 1part vermiculite ,4 parts organic soil , 2 to 3 parts local soil depending on how good and fluffy it is ...1 part worm casting ...1 part bark ...It saves money saves... shipping ...saves time

Though eventually as money allows I do want to try a DWC hydro setup ...But new growers have to go with what is in their area ...and also in their comfort and price level to start ...

And I think We as a community need to encourage that ...Hey a CFL hood is great to start under if that's what you feel comfy building and can afford...

Latter it makes a great veg cab and mothers area...Sure some have big bucks to spend ...but some don't like med patients on fixed incomes ...So encourage people help them start with what they got on hand... help them become comfy wiring and setting up rigs...

WE get good plants by raising good plants...Well it is true of Growers too we get good Growers by raising good Growers and teaching them our love of garden...

Tending and teaching them how to be Care Takers in the world ...then that Care Taker mentality flows into their daily life ...It is not just the bud and plant that is healing ...It is tending that garden in a peaceful time ...

Taking that active step to help yourself and others...Here I'm setting up shop in MT I'm having to setup shop to grow indoors and step back from the outdoor growing I loved in NC and was very good at...

Many handy tools did not survive the 2500 mile journey due to space restrictions ...and the need for liquid assets to get here...But and this is a Big But ...I'm still growing... I'm still going... and I'm still giving it My best shot...

Honest sincere growers step down from that higher level and mentor and teach budding growers on their level and encourage them to read.. learn... and grow toward the goal of independence ...

And That Mentoring is the Most Important Growing and Gardening we can give to others in our lifetime...

Though that,s just one Care Takers opinion

Have a Great Sunday All

Update Live and Learn and don't urinate into the Wind ...or Urinate when your soil mixing is going on...Recap from the Fox vs MG thread.

First @ Whiteowl...Just make sure whatever you put in your soil mix you personal read the bags all the way...Long story short I'm Physically Challenged so often times I need help...Now Remember and keep in Mind what @ Sir_Tokie said about you know your at threshold when you get slight tip burn ...I was mixing up a big batch of organic soil for my 5 gallon buckets ...I had to use the restroom so I asked My Soulmate to mix in the bag of plain perlite and I'd be right back ...Now I've been fighting slight tip burn since the start of this grow and I now know why ...I got the shed open yesterday there sits the pain big bag of perlite all pretty like yet there is perlite in the mix....HUmmmmmmmm moment ..Then the Oh crap sets in ...My love poured in the Whole bag of MG perlite that is fortified with time release fets that I use to lightly top dress her lilly and iris and tulip beds cause My Princess loves her pretties and Yes though I grow MJ ...I love having her beds filled with pretties so she has all the colors she loves ...Laughs left behind the grill... but brought out west 4 boxes full of bulbs ...

So I'll be watering and letting it dry to near crisp ...then water again till the plants get a lil bigger ...Lesson learned hold it till after the soils mixed no matter what ...And mark the bags in the shed....Flowers .....MJ laughing hard ...Yeah like I could sift all that perlite out now ...NOT

Okay so now Damage control ...First get My love settled down and get her to quite saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry and self punishing like a catholic school girl...It is okay I can resurrect the plants...

Deep breath that done How to fix this estimating the batch of dirt out back and having to fill the next buckets ....I can't pull it out so I'll dilute it turn the hot mix into a warm maybe I hope a soft mix ...Breaking out the calculator and guesstimating thinking ....Not having the test back yet from the soil sample but betting it does have some good stuff in it as it smells and feels good and rich ...So thats out ..Lowes and home depot keep the decent stuff on hand ...Hum Got it I think Wallmart and the cheap no nute value dirt I tried that time and had to add add add ...Hot plus mister nothing soil should give Me at least mild ...That I can live with ...but I doubt I can repot Alice she has prolly already spread to fill the whole 5 gallon of close so no tea or nutes for her ...Top dressing with time release stuff in the flower beds is great ....but argh not in My pots

So live and learn to grow another day I just have to beat out that 90 day time release crude ...Just glad to know I did not loss My growing touch in the 2500 mile move Wheew ...that it was the time release crud...

bozeman, dillon, ennis, hamilton, hot springs, kallispell, lakeside, and missoula
:confused2: ;)
I knew they had to be hiding the fox farm stuff somewhere in this state doing a mapquest seeing where is closest ...Thank Ya Hick you Da man ...tipping my hat.


Hick said:
bozeman, dillon, ennis, hamilton, hot springs, kallispell, lakeside, and missoula
:confused2: ;)
Tuesday June 2nd 2009,

Work and Creativity:

First My gosh did we get a strange cold snap here we went from 70 80 even 88 degree days down to 40 through 50 and windy as heck yesterday...Which simply added to the fun ...Chuckles

So the treck to Mecca " I mean somewhere far away in MT" was made to pick up the super soil FFOF ...So it was rather a treck times two with a semi lunch break in the middle...Smiles

Got back did chores...then called a friend with two good arms to help get the fox farms in the house and get the job transplanting started and done 9:30 last night all the girls were tucked in their new super soil bed yeahhhhh ...then at lights out a lil foliage feeding and the girls are looking great this am...No wilt... no droop... and if there is minimal if any stress...I've seen no signs yet of it Yeah go Team Project Medicine Man !!! pictures soon to come as I don't want to disturb the girls while they settle in to their new homes.

i aint that trusting in my skillz yet to be forkin out 45 plus a bag of ffof just yet myself. i would either have to trekk times 4 to get some prolly lol or it 45 i found online wit shippin. but why when i found mine for 2.50 a bag and workin wonders so far.
i'll pay attention for ya results jus ta get good look see n all.
ya got the ff nutes too i assume?
cant wait for pix

Well good dirt makes a good gardener zip in all honesty and I found out a big part of the twist and issues I was having was from having a soil mix made out of local stuff ...Why because many areas in Mt were deep into mining and smelting so you gotta test the soil to make sure it is fully safe....

Locally harvested stuff may or may not be safe that is cause their tests maybe okay where they test... then they harvest in between test this area I learned is hugely alkaline ...

I was only gonna buy one large bag of the FFOF honestly... which is 24.95 here ...But the reason I needed help was I came home with 5 large bags OF and one small bag of the light warrior...

Long story short you buy with money... James has many systems of monetary conversion and return like BARTER ...I also always drive a pickup... ...I can carry more kewl Barter items that way...Hehehehe ...

Anyway among My skills I've played with cb and ham radios for years and the owner was a radio junkie... so I hooked him up with a linear and he hooked me up with Fox Farm dirt...0 dollars spent except for gas and lunch ...and I made a friend.

As far as nutes Oh no Oh heck no I buy no nutes ...Honestly buddy if your up to it we need to get you off all that add and stir chemical stuff and help you learn how to make tea ...Honest it is easy as pie all you need is like a 5 gallon bucket or a big bin or cooler with a top and 1 air stone you glue into it and then air line and a check valve and an air pump can build a tea maker for like 10 bucks tops.

Then you go to a pet store ask to buy like a bag full of used gravel which costs like a buck ...Get it home put the gravel in a stocking and put it in your bubbling tea bucket ...then you just hang in more stocking with things like worm casting , organic humus , manure , drop a nail into the bucket or two and let it bubble add water as you have evap ...then when you feed get your gallon jug and I personally like to start My plant's with 1/4 cup tea to the rest of the gallon full of plain bubbled water I run two bubblers one bucket just water bucket tea ...then you add a lil next go 1/2 cup tea to a gallon of water ...just add a bit more tea each time ...till you barely get tip burn ...then you back off a hair and your then giving you plants just what they need ...Oh you can make your own worm castings too buddy...It easy ...

farmers will always let you get a bucket of manure here and there mix that in a pile with your grass clipping and turn it every now and then then water the pile and your off and learning to compost and make your own compost and humus ...Me I think it better for the plants it does not stress them as much and you don't get odd chem tastes in the cure ...Yuck

But thats just My two cents and zip it really is easy to learn and fun too...saves big bucks too nutes cost out the behind.
its really alkaline soil here too.
heck i need to be where you are if a guy can drive round wit truck load some cool stuff and bater for ff soil that way. LOL im a real pack rat an have so much kewl stuff an never use it.. lol im one them guys who see's somethin neat an wether i have a use for it or not i just gotta have it if i can afford it.
"he who dies wit the most toys, WINS!!" LOL
I thought bout the teas thing. but im still only on my third grow in my life. 2nd indoor at current now still in veg. and one outdoor last year.
im one them dudes who has a hard time walkin an chewin bubblegum at the same time (haha) so i tend to try an stick as lil things to get the hang of as possible and as i learn them i add more things to the mix so to speak. kinda work my way into the deeper end i guess. :)
but i recently purchased the floranova grow and bloom nutrients.
i also thought that when usin compost/manure or teas made from them or any other stuff was increasing chances for pests moold etc..? but even if a guy can do things an tweek things to prevent it all, thats exactly wat im talkin bout which im lil intimidated of jus yet is all
but im sure i'll get into it in the next grow or two. maybe
i agree that nutes do cost a fortune to some of us. but for beginners yet they're simpler imo.
but i do totally see ya point on the organic bit man i do. i also thought bout goin at it this round too but i backed off it when my lil ones now were obviously not diggin the soil. as i changed the soil tehy imroved. my ph was way off wack when i mixed my own compost/peat etc etc soil media mix. it was only 4.74 then added lime an without testin beforre i planted i noticed the runoff after i put them in it was only 5.34 after adding the lime even.
im a have to play around wit some soils etc in between grows or somethin to get the hangle of it all first maybe.
plus i also love the taste of organically grown bud. it is hands down the best tastin herbage i ever smoked in my life
i got few old cb's layin round here too... LOL think they of value to anyone?
good score on the dirt tho i must say man.
but until then im all ears an open for learnin on anythin involvin organics.
@zipflip...That be the easy part getting rid if the bugs and pests and stuff ...I got one of those super tubs they sell at hardware stores to mix concrete ...Then here is the trick you turn you manure real good and put in 1 part manure ...turn your compost put in one part compost ...then turn your worm casting your wigglers made and after you take them Fishin add one part worm castings and mix well ....Then you take an old large pressure cooker that you picked up at a yard sale for like 5 bucks ...put in your mix add a splash of water then put it outside on your turkey fryer /fish cooker burner on way low and set the pressure for like meat your neighbors may not like you because what your cooking will smell like s*H*I*...because well it basically is ....then you let it cool down load your stocking and dunk it in your tea water with your other goodies and start bubbling ...I've seen folks add all kind of things to their go juice tea...nails and brads are common , aquarium gravel is common strap molasses...Our east we had to add a dose of Epsom salts ....Oh and last ingredient always is toast with a bottle of beer and give the bubbler tea the first shot from the bottle for your Friends and Family no longer here ...and about a teaspoon of bleach too kill any bag gunk and rust the nails and brads ...I've seen folks throw in a copper bracelet ,...Those old zinc porn tokens for peek shows ...1 cup of your ladies urine ...Never guy urine EVER ...even pressure cooked fish guts ...One old timer even swore his secret ingredient was a skunks tail in each batch ...Trust Me you will hear some weird tea recipes...Laughing hard ... They all got the basic stuff then the rest is mostly good luck mojo ...So fun part is you can create ZipFlip Mojo to go then put it in a bottle and pour it on that Hoe Hoe hoe yep you gotta keep the weeds out Yep ...Laughing hard ...But don't just take My word ask around Zipper Snapper...

no i believe ya. i've read up on teas quite a bit and herd of some pretty weird concoctions.
but the rusty nail or metals... is that for like minerals such as iron zinc n other stuff like that?
i dont know why but it all just sounds too potent to do in containers indoors. especially for smaller type grows like mine tho....
im in no way deterred from organics man. i just think i'd feel more comfortable if i climb teh ladder one step at a time eliminating the easiest stuff first.
by easiest i mean like less work and time etc etc...
that way i'll feel comfy when i enter that whole new ball game of organics anyway...
@zipflip ...Yeppers they say it is for the trace metals like you said you'll hear some weird concoctions but hey if their Mojo works for them that is all that counts zip.

Sunday June 7th 2009
Okay lets see time for an update and some pictures as I had to get the girls all back on track as best I could...Wheew was a lil bit of work and a bit touch and go there...But I think we are getting everything right back in line...Whoo Hooooooo...

So first you'll see Our 5 baby CCT's they were all washed off and replanted in the FFOF and they are coming right along.

Then you'll see Our two baby Full Moons both washed and replanted as well.

Then Our two White Castles same deal in new FF homes.

Then Our one AI that spouted washed and reset too.

Next come the scary pictures of Alice our brave hardy mascot you go Girl getting back on track.

Now understand I have a huge learning curve here moving from normal outside growing to inside growing ... plus new water ...and new dirt...

This is where people will call me picky but as a grower if I'm gonna be doing anything new at all no matter what it is... I always have ONE TEST PLANT ...That plant is my control and if she shows any signs of something bad I know the others started after her will be soon to follow...

Some call it preemptive gardening ...Me I just call it good common sense ...Alice was much harder to save I had to take her out of 5 gallons of the old dirt get her roots washed off... all the way... and yes that meant every last particle and she was bigger so she went a lil shocky...

It wasn't easy but I used a trick an Old time grower taught me with a sink full of icey cool water "not freezing water" just really cold has to be about 38 to 40 degrees F...not Celsius ...and it worked Alice pulled through which tells you how tough cannabis can be especially when it is good stock like CCT.

Anyways that's our update ...more coming next week stay tuned same time same channel Chuckles

James Out










i like the idea of havin a control plant....
do you mean as in like you have one designated plant set aside from ret as far as regimen goes but only do everythin you do to all but the one control is but few days ahead on the schedule givin the others a 3 day or however any days lag behind the oe meanin if soemthin goes wrong wit the first control that means that the others will be following behind an this way ya get able to catch watever it is before it gets too severe...?
at least thats wat im thinkin ya mean by it.
ya know that doesnt sound like a bad idea to do at all for anyone especially folks like yaself new to indoors an me bein in my 2nd year of growing experience only.
..preemtive gardening.... i dig it man. may have to do this on a next grow myself. and does make sense. (common sense lol)
how bout the crazy wether we been havin last couple days ...? LOL
it snowed here yesterday. can you beleive it... SNOW!! in flippin june yet. lol maybe we'll get lucky an wont frost til mid to late november this year...?
i can only wish. i am gonna be startin a small batch of babies for some outdoor just for heck of it this year. i'll wait til end june beginnin july to put them out tho. i mean, hell, it'll prolly snow again here yet even. hard tellin wit weather up here man.
ya sure gonna love montana for sure (sarcasm) :)
but nice ta see tehy all comin along man. good luck an keep up the nurturing bro.
@zipflip...Hey buddy yep that is exactly the idea and the way to use a control or stunt test dummy plant ...Like I said Alice was started about 2 weeks ahead of the others total ....She showed issues with the dirt first as I wasn't adding tea or anything save one tiny dose I gave her then it was plane jane good water after that when she still had issues I knew I had to figure out what was going on which it was the soil and the fortified perlite so the babies were just starting to show on the tiniest tips ...Thus I knew I had to do something fast fast fast ...Now in My case I had to change Alice and the babies ...but you gotta understand I'm going long term so one of each of the strains I will be making into a bonsai so I can do clones as needed as it is far cheaper then buying or collecting seeds so by the time this grows done I'll have 4 to 5 bonsai's and most likely seeds of each strain put back in the bank too just in case something happens to one of the bonsai moms ...So I'll have Full Moon at will , AI at will, White Castle , CCT, and a new rare Rock Star of the plant world, but the clones are still taking so no photo ops for the Rock Star ...yet Chuckles

Sop that will be 5 medical strains banked for the other patients and myself ...So I can get them plants ready at will or boom put them in the plant easybake and start them some here to help them stay in the green ...

The key is patience and diligence ...I'm focused on getting 5 good moms ...then some seeds for just in case ...Then as I grow I'll start searching for some other good Medical strains...Yes it means it will take a bit longer to get the patience and myself where we need to but we will be rock steady getting there ...As I haven't heard anything on the grant yet but we have paypal now so those that want to donate to Our Project can several different ways...But that's what a Collaborative is We all work together One Mind,,, One Goal...Which is freedom from the local ones calling themselves caregivers at way High costs...First we sustain 3 of us then three more then three more and so on...

Patience and diligence... lol watds that? haha (sarcasm) i have little patience in life but im learnin to have it more with growing. that is for sure:)
but i totally dig the whole startin a test dummy so say. honest i woulda never gave that much thought. especially if startin wit somethin new/diff from the prior grow which i am in kahoots(sp?) wit. thanks for the whole idea/concept.
but when i started my first grow form the day i germed the seeds i wanted to smoke so patience was not an option that grow. but i did keep 4 of the 6 ladies i had from prior grow an i am reveggin them now.
they takin well to it. i mean all the yellow leaves they all had on them i figured would die an fall later on before new growth started but the instant i hit them wit some nutes for veg(floranova) every one the yellow leaves now are all green again. i was in awe over it. but will move them into my veg cab wich is empty now after i flower the current batch.
then when after few weeks to a month veg maybe an they got some girth to them i'm gonna flower 2 of the 3 like strains i got reveggin. and keep the other 1 of the 3 and the other single strain i had for clones. and my next batch hopefully will all be clones and all guaranteed female. n i'll be able to maximize my space load then anyway wit buddage. :)
never quite understood why so may clone an keep mothers but now after gettin almost 2 indoor grows from all seed under my belt i'm likin the idea of cloning . an like ya said , all the time savin seeds etc.... ahh hell i'll keep a couple mothers is all. and i'll prolly revegg a couple of my favorites of this new batch when they done so that way i can keep total 4-5 maybe mothers all diff strains. and hopefully by winter time i'll be doin nothin but clones maybe. this is all just a concept so far but hopefully it worx out.
the buddy i got who has saved his really good beans from bags of good nuggets he got all salty on me other night. he asked me to sell him some my harvest(a bag) i told him i dont sell weed, im not a dealer but i'll gladly smoke wit ya. and he all got sour "i gave you seeds man" type speach. well he give me seeds for the ones growin as we speak not the ones that were done.
i figured a good bud for price of handfull good beans was small price to pay so i offered to give him a bud an he told me go F myself when he saw it lol.
greedy punk i say.
so hopefully now i aint got one them bastard punks who knows my game an gets faulty.
i just told dude i'll definately hook him wit a big bud his pick when they done tho. but it wasnt good enough so watever. so this cloning bit is definately gonna be in my horrizon i future for sure.

cant wait to see ya progress in future as well man.
I would give the guy a half oz. and tell him you are even and you aren't growing anymore after this time because it is too scary. Then, avoid him for a long bit.

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