Roddy said:Exactly, it's not going to have people standing guard when there's nothing to profit from it, not even the cops will give much care it's there...until someone tried to get them some! The fact the OP states it's a yearly crop tells me that this isn't someone's decoy crop or their hopes for any kind of harvest. Why I asked about Indiana, they're known to have grown tons and tons of hemp for rope and such, the crops are still all along the ditches of roads and can be and is picked all the time by passers-by!
Roddy said::yeahthat: :yeahthat: Do you happen to live in INDIANA??? :rofl:
I'd not judge the guy a thief, do any of us pick flowers as we walk along?
187, those plants are junk city, no amount of work will save them from what they are some beans an go form there!!
187fish said:damn yeah **** it ima use a couple of them and try in give them different dirt n **** just to experiment and see what happens but thanks for the feedback if anyone else could give me some advice on it would be appreciated.
187fish said:There might have just been a male in the group n turned them all males ...last year when tjey were just like seed pads but kinda like bud i didnt check gender and i made hash out of them so i dont think its just hemp also if there hermies it could have just been one the screwed all of them and they are also growing filthy dirt i just have a good feeling if i put some in some in a 5gal. Bucket with good dirt theres a possibility i could bring them to be decent/good bud .....also be reminded that they arnt even big enough yet to say which ones are males or females ....would pictures help at all?
187fish said:Why lettem go to waste and i dont beleive in karma and even if i did it wouldnt have a effect because i know no one cares about these plants ive lived in my town my whole life so you should just drop the false accusasions because its pointless bickering ovee something u have no control over i just came here for help on my plants not to be judged
Mamba3164 said:ston-loc is right weed is natural in most places so some one planted em. that someone coming back or not still has ownership. and karma is a huge Bitch when it comes to jacking plants. walk away. and hick really hates hermies!! so maybe a clean mass murder might be in order.
187fish said:There might have just been a male in the group n turned them all males ...last year when tjey were just like seed pads but kinda like bud i didnt check gender and i made hash out of them so i dont think its just hemp also if there hermies it could have just been one the screwed all of them and they are also growing filthy dirt i just have a good feeling if i put some in some in a 5gal. Bucket with good dirt theres a possibility i could bring them to be decent/good bud .....also be reminded that they arnt even big enough yet to say which ones are males or females ....would pictures help at all?
mature adults should be able to get their points across without swearing. Please watch your language.
4u2sm0ke said::doh:
someones on Watch list:giggle:
sure glad its not me this time![]()
Hick said:pfffffffft... as if you've ever gone OFF the list...:rofl:..