Cali Free Grow 2018

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One Boss Hog at 37 inches is the tallest to date. Those Hogs are looking quite different than the more compact Alien. I’m wondering if we haven’t enough room for "big" plants. Thunderstorms for the next few days. How I love these cool spring days.
Firstly congrats on the first year of legalized use of Marijuana, I can only imagine how joyous it must be for you guys/gals over in the UK we are still hoping the insanity of it being illegal will be conquered along with healing everyone of the nasty progaganda the government has dished out and brainwashed peoples minds with over the many years, what they were not counting on was the people were going to wake up and think for themselves :)

I'll be visiting the thread for updates and good luck with the grow :)
Thanks for looking in from across the pond Icecalibur. One of my best friends from here was called Hippy in Englan, alas it has been a few years since I have heard from him. Glad to have you on board. Drop by any time, please feel free to comment or question. Cheers.
I remember HippyInEngland, I used to chat with him about his auto grows at the time, I joined a couple of years after he did (2009) :)

Thanks for the warm welcome to the journal :)
Plants growing about an inch a day here. Weather warming yet has only hit 100f once.

On a side note, trip to Oregon shows they are well organized in their new Marijuana industry. I was thrilled at how many billboards there were on I5. DId not take the opportunity to visit a store tho, next time.

Plants are putting on an average of 6 inches a week this last week. The Alien are bushing out as expected and the unfamiliar Boss Hog are the tallest in the garden. Temps are hitting the mid 90’s f and low 50’s f overnight.
WOW you have taken off girl. Good on you. It is really summer if you are here and I am glad you are here TC. The greenest of mojo to you my dear.
Opened up the garden yesterday. The shade cloth is new this year. I don’t think it’s placement will effect the size of the plants. Mr. Tc is concerned that the garden is visible from the road. Though we are a medical Marijuana Grow he feels that the “not seen from the road” portion of the regulations apply here and hence the shade cloth. With huge non permitted grows on our road this year, better safe than sorry. The Po po have cruised by once this year already. A neighbor complaint apparently.
I don’t know why that first pic came up twice. Happened last time I tried to post. Gonna leave it in this time. Have a good day all.
Looking good, I’d say a wise choice to put up the blinders...ain’t no biz but yours...
I should say growing your own indoor or out is a no no....
Lookin good, I see some strawberries and tomatoes in there too...
7.5 weeks since transplanting to the garden. We have one plant over six feet tall. Netting was put up yesterday. We start the Open Sesame from Fox Farm tonight. Two days with the temps in the 105-110f this weekend.
Man those are some big girls for the first of July, monsters coming your way TC. Ijust love your summer grows. Are they still in veg or course? It is a slow turn to flower huh. Mojo my friend.

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