I have 2, one 12' by 12' by 9 foot tall fully insulated with HVAC in place just sitting there, and another that is 50 by 75 with 15 foot ceiling - No HVAC present though. If I wasn't happily married helping Mrs. Monkey raise her teenager I might consider it. (All my kids are grown and gone). The 2 people I have shared a smoke with say the stuff is devastating. They think I am getting it elsewhere. I think one of the biggest secrets to this whole shin dig (Besides a person keeping their mouth shut) is the waiting of the proverbial 2 more weeks, then wait one more... hahaha. My electronic computerized loupe is a big help too. I knew about loupes before I got here. IDK - It is tempting @RosterMan - If I ever did decide to, it is something I wouldn't share with the group and def not post any pictures of, other than asking questions to a couple individuals here when necessary on the side. I thought about it but, I don't want to be the town weedman again. Took years to live that down. I still see people from that life. They always got to stop me at the gas station or local pub / store and tell me who just brought in town what and how much of whatever. And it's ALWAYS - Oh by the way, stop by some time. I just keep my head down and stay quiet about what little I got going on here. I never stop by in the hope that eventually they would stop telling me stuff. The only 2 people I smoked with are as old as most of the people here and their reputations for staying quiet runs all the way back to when we all went to grade school together. I am going to pass.
Keeping your head down is the way to go. I too had way more folks in my business years ago. I moved to Ga 35 years or so ago and changed everything making my life as private as possible. When we moved back, the folks that bought our house said their neighbors called us the mystery couple